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  1. E

    Mac Damascus chef's knife question

    Thanks for your reply, Gic! Prolly I'll pull the trigger on this one. Should be able to sell it with little loss if it doesn't click with me. Regarding stock, I think they'd have more available, but as I'm in Norway, currency conversion and shipping would render it more expensive for you...
  2. E

    Mac Damascus chef's knife question

    Hi, I'm new to the forum, so please be patient if my questions have been answered before :newhere:. Tried searching, but found nothing, so I'll try to pop a question. I am fairly new to really interesting myself with kitchen knives - the ones I have, have sort of just ended on my wall...
  3. E

    hi there!

    Let me briefly say hi to the people here! The internet is a magnificent thing. No matter what your interest or hobby might be, there's always a whole lot of people also diggin the same thing :-) And with so much knowledge to share! :doublethumbsup: I'm from Norway, and spend normal...