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  1. chiffonodd

    I'm ready to be ruined financially

    Yeah my sister in law did her psych residency in NYC. Definitely seemed a bit more humane than IM or surgery but still no cake walk. I think the whole residency model is insane. I understand that you need hours to get the training, but the 24s and all that are ridiculous. They actually told me...
  2. chiffonodd

    I'm ready to be ruined financially

    This is the cold, hard truth. Wife and I have over 300K combined med/law school debt. We are basically carrying a second mortgage at ~7.5% interest. I mean I still buy knives, it's just wildly irresponsible 😆
  3. chiffonodd

    I'm ready to be ruined financially

    What's your specialty? Stay strong it'll all be over soon enough!
  4. chiffonodd

    I'm ready to be ruined financially

    Lol if you're a resident, when do you even have time to play with knives?? I watched my wife go through residency at a pediatric hospital and it was brutal 🤮
  5. chiffonodd

    I'm ready to be ruined financially

    So you're ready to start spending now, is what you're saying
  6. chiffonodd

    Show your newest knife buy

    Hitohira Kikuchiyo Ren ginsan gyuto 210 (Nakagawa x "Morihiro Hamono"). Just arrived from @Millertime and looks great! Surprisingly blade-forward balance given the short length and extremely aggressive grind. Literally just unpacked it so no test cutting yet. Profile looks curvier than I'm...
  7. chiffonodd

    warming up cold pizza?

    Bro I live in Washington and Oregon, that **** is legal, local, organic, top shelf, and available everywhere. The cold pizza is dangerous. 😆
  8. chiffonodd

    warming up cold pizza?

    yeah my brother lives in NY. ****'s wild out there. I think he's managed to steer clear of insane gold leaf truffle pizzas but you never know 😆
  9. chiffonodd

    warming up cold pizza?

    I'm from Seattle, although temporarily in southern Oregon. A large from Pagliacci (local favorite) is like $36 plus tax. Seattle might as well be the moon. [Edit to add proof of the cold hard reality:]
  10. chiffonodd

    warming up cold pizza?

    A pizza near me is like $40 :mad: no way it costs forty bucks to heat a few slices for 5 minutes.
  11. chiffonodd

    warming up cold pizza?

    Breville convection oven/air fryer.
  12. chiffonodd

    WTS Halcyon Forge Wrought Iron Gyuto 245mm (Thuya burl and Oosik [walrus penis] handle)

    Oosik is the penis bone (baculum) of the male Pacific Walrus. It is a very solid, dense bone reaching up to 3ft. long. It was commonly used by early man as axes, digging tools, clubs and artwork. Today it is very popular for knife handles, jewelry, carvings and collecting. 💀
  13. chiffonodd

    How old are you guys?

    18 - 79 🥳 edit: okay 14 - 79
  14. chiffonodd

    How old are you guys?

    Glad to hear it!!
  15. chiffonodd

    How old are you guys?

    That's really scary dude, sorry to hear. My father in law just had surgery for A Fib, too. Sucks that the first procedure but fingers crossed that the second one holds! I think there's often pretty good results from the surgery?
  16. chiffonodd

    How old are you guys?

    Yikes that doesn't sound good. My hip was a longtime issue, apparently, part of the femur wasn't shaped right and was mashing the cartilage of my hip socket. They reshaped the bone but i have some permanent cartilage damage, technically osteoarthritis. Doesn't hurt but bound to worsen over time...
  17. chiffonodd

    How old are you guys?

    I'll chalk up this blasphemy to youthful indiscretion.
  18. chiffonodd

    How old are you guys?

    I thought I was pretty hip at 37 and then needed hip surgery at 38. :mad:
  19. chiffonodd

    How old are you guys?

    Tell me I've led a good life. Tell me I'm a good man 😭
  20. chiffonodd

    How old are you guys?

    Anyone else looking at their post from 8 years ago and thinking Ffffffffffff 😬