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  1. O

    Greetings from the Canadian Best Coast (I mean west coast)

    Welcome. Its good to some other Van area folks on here.
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    Christmas give away.

    375, merry christmas.
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    What did you get for Christmas?

    I got to spend 24th til today, in a cabin in the mountains, snowboarding. Best gift.
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    250 mm San Mai Western Gyuto with Redwood saya.

    So very nice. Great work all around.
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    My first Saya, no laughing!

    I am literally doing my first right now. Nowhere near as nice as yours. If this is your first I can't wait to see more.
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    Japanese Knives New table display

    Looks great.
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    expectations of sharpening for others

    I have been offering to sharpen the knives of our youngest staff (not that I'm all that old), in exchange for them doing things I don't want to. ie. cleaning. I get practice and don't have to clean, and in return they can cut things again. fair trade in my mind.
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    Pet peeves

    ^ +1
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    Part 2 of Contest - Win a WA Re-handle

    That looks so good. Congrats all.
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    Good knife day at work today

    On slow days, doing extra prep is the perfect time to play around with the "less-used" knives for me. Or days off, when they happen.
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    New Contest - Drawing 12/7

    quilted sapele? do we have to wait until the 7th to find out?
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    Food allergies, intolerances, aversions and imagined problems

    I did much of the research for one of my university professors papers, it was on the rise of food allergies. In North America over the last 7 years, 2003-2010(2010 was the last year with all the stats) the number of people who reported a "serious or life-threatening" allergy went up about 315%...
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    Yamawaku 210mm Yanagiba from 330mate_com

    I got the same 2 knives from the same seller, they arrived in about a week and both were in good condition. They make good, cheap line knives and I worry very little about them going missing considering the cost. Apparently its just luck of the draw with this guy.
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    First Leather Sheath

    Looks great. Is that a samurai tablecloth?
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    Manners: Elbows on the table.

    I was raised to believe you didn't put your elbows on the table, ever, but you ignored it when other people did it.
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    Another Canadian

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    what are you drinking tonight?

    Newcastle Brown Ale, quite a bit of it. Thank god for late nights in the kitchen.
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    What Do You Know About Morocco?

    More pictures, please. Hope you and your family are having a great time. And I second the travel pics section suggestion. I'll be flying into Tokyo second week in March, and there will be many photos.