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    Do harder steels release lower metal fragments in food than softer steel blades?

    Any thoughts here about Tungsten in knives? Some of the knife steels have it in. Amount in body linked to incidence of strokes.
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    Old Hachoir / Mezzaluna four blades tell me about them.

    Yeah I found that to be the case too. Cleaning it after thejob would be a pain. My new idea is to use it in the garden to chop up food waste before feeding it in to a worm bin. That will likely kill it with rust over time though which seems a shame.
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    Old Hachoir / Mezzaluna four blades tell me about them.

    Back when ebay still sold knives I got this big beast out of curiosity and with the idea that it might come in usefull in my kitchen job, but havent yet found a use for it. I believe it would only be usefull with a very large concave chopping board. Wikipedia says the multi blade ones were used...
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    WTB Cheap Chinese Cleaver

    I just bought this one to try, the third suggestion above Its got a bit of heft 420g but not too heavy. Nice fat spine for comfort slicing, height 10 cm tall I have found to be better than shorter...
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    WTB Cheap Chinese Cleaver

    You wont go far wrong with a shibazi 3 layer blade. below budget too...
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    Chinese cleaver fatigue

    In my experience the thin ones at around 320g dont have the weight to fall through the food like one at 480g and so needs to be pushed through the food and the thin spine isnt nice on the fingers. Also veriety of techniques like you could chop a bit then if it gets a bit tiring rock cut a bit...
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    Show your newest knife buy

    Excuse my ignorance but is the Shihan a knife or what is it? It looks like a trowel.
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    Show your newest knife buy

    Got a new robert herder 130mm "japanische form" petty. These are brilliant. Its my third one now. The thinness of it makes it my go to for things like dividing carrots in two length ways. The edge doesnt last long but a few swipes on fine ceramic rod and its back, they have never chipped the...
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    Food Release: Stiction and the Grind

    Heres a short clip of that cleaver. Broccoli stalk is not that sticky but it does work with things like cheddar or leeks too. In fact its great if there is alot of cheddar to slice. Excuse the shaking camera and rubbish quality but you get the idea.
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    Food Release: Stiction and the Grind

    That is an awesome idea. Something i tried was to form a small ridge (of milliput) about 2cm from the edge along the length of a cleaver. its not enough to cause much noticable difference in wedgeing but it does push the food away and stop it sticking mostly. I think the same could be done with...
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    1st post will not show immediately.

    Hello KKF, Some info about me. Been working as a chef for quite some time. Interested in learning how to make knives too. Have a small collection of knives German and Japanese and one American. Everything cleaver is what im really in to right now.