Highest wear resistant stainless S125V is coming

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Senior Member
Mar 10, 2011
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I've ordered a small amount of a S125V to try. This is, as far as I know, the most wear resistant stainless steel out there. It is made by Crucible. It is a PM grade. This stuff is very difficult to work, very expensive, and hard to get. We'll try some and see how it holds up in the kitchen.

We have had very good feed back on some other super wear resistant steels that we've tried. All of the SWRS probably should be sharpened on a diamond stone, or at least something with a very hard mineral. Aluminum oxide is softer than the vandium carbides in these steels.

We are going to do this in sanmai to save money and to make it easier to finish.

I still have a tiny ulcer on the bottom of my foot, which for the time being, is preventing me from being able to work. One of the problems with not being able to work is that I have time to dream up lots of new projects to try.

I have some new steels to try along with this one. I have a new western handle that I'll be doing and I want to do a copy of a Forgecraft.

Cheer me on, I'm tired of not being able to make knives.

Love and respect

Being benched from work is incredibly frustrating.
I wouldn't call dreaming up new projects a "problem", but not being able to work on them? Yes, that's a problem. Hope that foot gets better soon.


+1 Get back on your feet soon!

Good timing with super wear resistant steels, hopefully you will get those knives out soon so folks can try their diamond plates on these.

Speedy full recovery and then pace yourself working. :D


PS: your aptitude to come up with new project is infectious.
Cheers to you Devin but what is up with all this Forgecraft talk lately? I'm slow, never heard of it before I started reading the Lamson knife thread. (Which I don't follow any more) Hate their handles BTW.
I like the profile of the blade and the simplicity of the knife. I remember the Old Hickory line from when I was a kid, which bought them out later. The heat treatment is good on these and the story is interesting.

I don't think that the handle is very comfortable. I do like the texture on the blade and I want to see if I can make one that is tapered and retain the texture. I will probably try one in damascus and change the handle shape.

Thanks everybody,

Please rest up and I hope for a quick recovery. You definitely have a lot of interesting projects underway, really can't wait to see what you do. Super interesting/pioneering stuff.
Get well soon! I'm so thankful for your generosity in showing us your shop last summer! I still want a knife when you get back to work, but don't do anything until you are completely healthy!!!
Look what came in yesterday.

We'll see what we can do with them.


How many knives does this represent? Hope your feeling better.
I'll sanmai this and it'll make about 5 knives out of each of the steels pictured.

I would be horribly upset if you chose me to try to wear through the steel in a normal home kitchen environment.... :groucho:
I'll sanmai this and it'll make about 5 knives out of each of the steels pictured.


Very interested. Patiently waiting. Get well soon, and best wishes Dev! mpp
Since some well-known makers have responded in this thread I have a question:

I have heard that s90v can be supplied from Crucible clad with cpm154 in order to greatly reduce the effort to produce a long knife, or any knife in such an alloy for that matter, is there any reason you cannot get good results forge-welding by hand cpm154 or 154cm to s110v or sv125?


Is your question more about the materials or about forge welding by hand?

Sanmai is the same as cladding, maybe you already knew that, which is what I was planning to do.

Oh goodness but I'm blind, right in the beginning you said you were going to try sanmai construction, so please disregard the previous andI hope to hear your results soon.

Devin, I am not a fan of San Mai, please pm me for the price of a mono steel, hand polished to mirror finish S125V 275 mm Cleaver.
HI Devin. I'm a huge fan of CPM 3V, so please let us know what you think of the 4V you had a bar of there. Thanks. -M