Nakiri knife on sale

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I generally like Tanaka knives, but I have to say that I didn't like using the KU nakiri.

Bought it for my then-girlfriend (now wife) a long time ago and I remember that I just didn't like the feel of it for some reason. She didn't like it either but loved the Tanaka KU santoku. I didn't see the nakiri for a long time after ... but I *just* saw it the other day while unpacking something, so maybe it's time to dig it up, freshen it up and give it a whirl :)
Is this really a tanaka? The kanji looks horrid. It's so damn cheap I guess I shouldn't care about that but cmon!
accorting kanji, this nakiri is made by Hideyuki Tanaka, not Shigeki Tanaka or kazuki tanaka....
ahh okay, I was thinking Shigeki Tanaka :spin chair: thanks for clarifying!
if it's a decent enough knife, at that price, it wouldn't be such a bad thing if it was someone else who made it.
