Thinning and kasumi polish on Konosuke Fujiyama

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Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2012
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Hi all,

I have a Konosuke Fujiyama 270mm gyuto I bought here some time ago. It came with a sandpaper finish and I've been wanting to restore the original kasumi finish for a while. I also think the knife could use a little thinning.

I got started on this yesterday, using a Bester 1200 since I don't have anything coarser. (Since it's my first time I was also happy to take things slow).

I quickly noticed something odd: it seems the stone was touching the wide bevel at the top (near the shinogi line) and bottom (near the edge), but not in the middle (say for 1/4 of the bevel height). I kept at it for a while and the scratch-less area in the middle of the bevel got smaller. Note that I could see the existing edge was still there and shiny, so I really was thinning and not hitting the edge.

Is this expected, i.e. are Fujiyama secondary bevels concave or S-shaped? I think I've read somewhere here that this can be done on purpose (maybe on Heijis?), but it seems strange. As far as I understand, they should be convex, and therefore I should be hitting only the top ~half of the secondary bevel when putting finger pressure just under the shinogi line.

I didn't have a Sharpie handy but the scratch pattern really looked that way. I suppose I should get a Sharpie and try again, but I wanted to call upon your experience first.

Another less important question: It's hard to keep the shinogi line clean! Any tips?
I tried using sandpaper on the table of the knife to clean up some scratches, which promptly messed up the kasumi finish near the tip.
If I wanted to polish the table more with micro-mesh, should I do that before or after the kasumi finish on the kiriba/blade path?