Japan trip - recommendations?

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Feb 21, 2015
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My wife just made me jump for joy... Will have to go on a short business trip to Japan in September and said we should extend it and add vacation, before kiddo turns 2 and we have to pay full price for him...

That being said: any advice, knife-wise?

Obviously looking to buy 1-3 knives, preferably taking advantage of the weak yen, not made up mind yet, looking to add sujihiki, a 210 mm laser gyuto and maybe a long Nakiri, saw a beautiful 240 mm Nakiri from Shirou Kamo in Germany that I've never seen anywhere before, kind of intrigued by that one.

Any recommendations for shops in Tokyo and Kyoto that carry a wide range of brands at great prices? How much would I save compared to US prices, ballpark % wise?

That being said, I also want to visit a maker or two and see them "in action"... Any experience with that? Any recommendations?

Thanks folks
If you have enough space and weight in your luggage, get some high end stones form amazon japan shipped to your hotel room, they discount ones like choseras heavily and so the prices will amaze you. They also discount some basic knives heavily, for example you can get a Misono 240 (carbon) dragon for about $110-115. But you can pretty much only get the big brands from them...

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