My new stone :)

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Founding Member
Feb 28, 2011
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I got my self a new stone surprise surprise... :poke1:

Atagoyama kiita 210mm 80mm 65 mm

And of course i had to make a video of my first use :)

at 3:06... i think it's flat :)

I love that whispery skritch of a really good stone.

where did you get that from if I may ask?
I take always 2 or 3 mm of these old stones. This one is very old and was at the store shelf very long time with dust fat flying around :) It helps to take first layer off and remove kanji on stone.
That's a beautiful brick, Maksim! Thanks for the video (and all your others, too) :thumbsup:
Hi heirkb

Welcome in !

Now you are also knife nut :)
Hi heirkb

Welcome in !

Now you are also knife nut :)

Thanks Maxim. I've just been reading and watching videos non stop! Thanks to you and a few other guys. :happy2:
This one is very old and was at the store shelf very long time with dust fat flying around :)

You have access to a store where natural Japanese stones sit around collecting dust??? :eek2:

I really do live in the sticks...:slaphead:

Great video!
Ha Ha .. I try to rip them for their knives too :)