Sharpening class 2012

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Feb 28, 2011
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With Hotel Marinlyst team we will hold new Get together or sharpening class in 25 and 26 Juni 2012 !
In Helsingør DK.
Like last time i will bring tons of Jnats and Knives :D
Niclas "DK chef" will give more info about times and food etc.

If you are interested in participating contact me or Niclas.
Thank you Maxim, you who wasnt there last time can read the reviews from some of us here in Maxim´s subforum, we all learned a lot. it was great experience and a lot of stuff to try out.

this time i know Maxim has a lot more to come with, and im gathering a bunch of swedish and danish chefs to participate (and other nations are welcome of course :D), last time gave big responds to japanese knives and stones. and i have recived a lot of questions for next sharpening class.

over and out
I hope this one is just as good, if not better.
It sucks a bit that this is 5 days after my vacation, would have been fun to attend but ye olde bank account will scream -"insufficient funds, now get back to work you lazy piece of shait". :(

Let's hope you can plan an event like this in the fall or something. :)
I will also say that class is totally free os charge ( i got some questions about that )

Also this time we go more in détail of polishing and how Jnats work, use of different Naguras.
Fingerstones, use of them. How to get your Jnat last longer and so on.
I've never been to Denmark. Interesting....
Due to some unforeseen and unwelcome changes in my life i might actually be able to attend this class. :)
Due to some unforeseen and unwelcome changes in my life i might actually be able to attend this class. :)

lät inte kul med ändrigarna men kul om du kunde komma, vi försöker få ihop et stort gäng folk som kan komma, också många från Svealand :D vi har en del svenska kockar på jobbet,
it has nothing to do with the sharpening class but here is the hotel we will have the class :D so if you havn´t used all your money you can always go to the Casino.

like last time we will use the kitchen for Maxim to teach and show.

i hope the link wont break any rules here on forum
Will be very cool if you can come Twistington :D !!!
Hi Niklas.

I would like to "sign up" for the class with good old Maksimsan ;-)

Like last time, I can attend only after finishing my own workday:-(, so I dont know exactly when I will arrive...

Best Regards

Thumbs up for another excellent sharpening calss:biggrin::biggrin:
Two hot blondes and not another person in site. Looks like you would have some good odds there.


one of the blondes is working in the reception, the smal one.

there is always hot blondes in Denmark.
Cool, it will be first ever Scandinavia forum Get together :D
Will be very nice if you and Harald can come ! hmm maybe next time :(
Don't know about Harald. I would have come if I had time, but its in the middle of mine and my GF birthday :)
Sorry for not being able to come :(

I will however try to go to Copenhagen and Noma very soon :)
Sounds great Andon :) you will feel home with all the swedish chefs. Would be great to see you also Oivind, but this is just the beginning :) there will be many more gatherings for sure. I'm just glad that Maxim contribute and putting this together.

Everybody are welcome, we will have a great time and if the weather is up for it we will have a barbecue in the evening, Bienik has already offered his assistance :)
If you guys have any wishes what i should bring with me let me know. My last stone order from Japan will be 1 June. Then i take on Vacation in July.
So if any special requests on knives or stones please let me know and i try to take with me to Hotel :D
Just bought 120 000 yen Nakayama Rainbow :D Super super rare Stone !!!
I will bring it with me to Marinelyst, so you guys can try it out !
Hmm, I actually think there is a chance I could make that.
Put me down as a strong maybe:)
I've done quite a few razor meetups abroad, and would love to add one in this field too!
Wow nice Birnando please do !!! We need one razor nerd there too !! I take my Karasu with me then :)
Great stuff Maksim, thanks for putting tis together.
I checked with my calendar, and more importantly, the missus, and there should be no reason for me not to go down there.
Just in case anyone is interested, I'll bring along a few bits and pieces from my collection of shaving gear:)
You never know when you'll find someone willing to listen to us nerds go on and on about out hobbies....
Yes please just bring your stuff with you :)
great news Birnando, send me a PM if you want some info :D looking forward to meet you and all the others
mdaa guys, I have the white envy for your situation about this theme :thumbsup:

good luck with all organisation moments and crossings!