New Gathering 2013

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Feb 28, 2011
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I will be out in good time this time :)

Gathering for 2013 February, i am thinking of from 8-11 February will be best, but you guys decide.
So please come with dates that fits you best !

Here are some rules:

Min. 10 people
Deposit 300 DKK will be returned in form of products when showed up to Gathering
Bring as many knife, razors, tools and stones you can ! :spiteful:

Lets get it rolling, and start Scandinavian/EU sharpening club :D
Flights for that date suits me good, let's just hope i can reschedule my flight to that date...
Dear all

On behalf of Maksim I have made a doodle with various dates (i.e. whole of February). Please choose the dates that suits you by clicking on the URL below.

We hope to see as many as possible

The location will probably be somewhere on Zealand/Sjælland, but more on that later :)

Best regards

There has been very low activity regarding this topic and I would like to bump this thread a bit to remind people about the event.

The event is less than a month away(starting: 2013-02-01 ending: 2013-02-04) and there is alot of people from here around the north and the rest of europe that would be really fun to meet.

So c'mon people and sign up for this, it will be fun! :)

It's a great opportunity to try stones, knives, talk, down some beers, learn and have a mini vacation with other nerds.
good that you bumped that up, i been bit busy with packaging email etc after vacation.

We need some more people to sign up before it will happen :(

So guys please sign up !!!
I will be happy if I could be there. The best date for me is 8 of february because it's my birthday and maybe I will buy myself a nice gift from Maksim but first weekend of february is good for my as well. Could you give some more details so I could plan that trip and see if I can afford it??
I will be happy if I could be there. The best date for me is 8 of february because it's my birthday and maybe I will buy myself a nice gift from Maksim but first weekend of february is good for my as well. Could you give some more details so I could plan that trip and see if I can afford it??

Date is set to February 1-4 and you should calculate your trip to Copenhagen(airport-id: CPH) after that we work something clever out. :)
Guys do you think about accommodation or is it in my own interest?? I have to add it to my expenses.
I will rent a summerhouse for all of us. You give 300 DKK as deposit and you can use them later on products i bring with me :)
To add even more value to the gathering, all who attends the gathering will be added to a lottery where you can win a rehandle for your favourite western knife!
Last Sign up Date 20 January 2013
Due to a business trip to Amsterdam, I will not be able to attend this time around.
I hope you guys have a good time while there:)
I am in:D Can't wait. How many people sign up till now?? Is there anybody from UK?