Japanese Knives Packaging saves the day

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Aug 3, 2018
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Boston, MA
So I got a box on my doorstep from JKI today. I rushed home eagerly to open it up and I find the neighbor's kid kicking the box around like a soccer ball. I wish I was making this up!!! I mean, the child is still toddler age and so couldn't read the words "FRAGILE" written on every side in big red letters, but still...

I gently asked him if I could have my package and he used all his minuscule strength to chuck it. o_O

Of course, after all that abuse I was expecting some damage but the items were so well-packaged that they miraculously came out fine. I used to think I just had terrible luck when it came to getting things mailed to me... but now things are making more sense. Some seriously top-quality packaging saved some items that are always a good investment.

Thanks to Jon and the staff at JKI!
After all that, did you show proper respect to the beautiful tissue wrap and cut it gently for framing later? Or did you do like everyone else and just tear it open?
knife like upload_2019-5-1_14-32-6.png
Did you tell his mom?