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  1. N

    D. Martell Butcher Knife Set - KKF Member Project

    Absolutely! If you stabbed someone, if the guards weren't there, your hand would more likely slide over the blade cutting you, leaving DNA behind for the CSIs. Seriously tho, my wife likes em so yeah we want em.
  2. N

    Cast Iron question

    A strange phenomenon is that oil/fat seems to wick up a pans edge & overflows to eventually create a black coating. Speed it up by simply rubbing flaxseed oil on the outer edges before uses. It ain't gonna happen after one use.
  3. N

    Cast Iron question

    Yeah, the cast iron skillet we're using now has been resurfaced. When our son was in University, he left the pan outside for the winter so we had to refinish it. That brand had a real good polish when new so the refinish didn't effect the performance any.
  4. N

    Well I guess most know me from KF and FF forums though haven't posted in either much

    Hi Joe, Ain't it great to be registered on a board as a "Junior Member"? Makes me feel young as 65 again!
  5. N

    Welcome to Kitchen Knife Forums!

    Hi All! Just checking in with all the people I know & introducing myself to those I haven't met yet. The place looks great & very promising! Way to go, Dave!