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  1. B

    5,000 year old sharpening stone discovered in England

    Dished like crazy, impossible to hold a steady angle😂
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    Huusk Japan sharpening (review)

    It is sh*t. Don't buy, ever. End.
  3. B

    Just ordered the JNS 300 and 1K I'm so excited!

    The JNS is a great quick stone. The 1k doesn't really work for me. It just 'feels' off. I prefer my naniwa 800.
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    Just ordered the JNS 300 and 1K I'm so excited!

    Yes it is. Lovely stone.
  5. B

    Suehiro (Ouka) 3000 or Chosera 3000?

    These are still my go to stones.
  6. B

    Starting stones - Shapton

    I pretty much always start with a very coarse stone, a 220 pink brick or JNS 300 Matukusuyama. Regardless of the state of the knife. Getting the first bur is just very quick. After that depends on the knife and purpose. For cheap stainless no higher than 1k. VG10 3k.
  7. B

    NSK stone!

    Peter Nowlan has. He is crazy mad about them. Check his instagram:
  8. B

    spash and go middle grit for work

    I'm like a record on repeat; naniwa 800
  9. B

    WTS JNS 1000 Matukusuyama

    I bought this very recently. Sharpened maybe around 20 knives with it. It is a very nice stone, sweet feedback. Excellent edge. It is too soft for my taste though. I'm located in Portugal so EU shipping only. Asking 65 euros excluding shipping cost.
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    Tormek sharpener thoughts?

    This is a start: Peter is a very good sharpener. Check out his channel.
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    Tormek sharpener thoughts?

    Don't underestimate a Tormek, you can get sub 100 bess scores with proper deburring. Totally agree. That's why I love sharpening on whetstones.
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    Tormek sharpener thoughts?

    I have a Tormek T8. I get knives very sharp with the provided stone and stropping. I probably can get it even sharper if I would use the angle method of Knife grinders Australia with their software and hardware. Unfortunately it is slow. I'm still trying to find a way to use it in a professional...
  13. B

    What would you finish henckels at?

    Naniwa 800
  14. B

    Suggestion for leather strop.

    I have one from scrupleworks. Very nice!
  15. B

    Best two stones for a gift

    Naniwa 800 &3K
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    another dumb question for beginner whetstone

    This is even more sweet. The feedback of the Naniwa's are so much nicer!
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    recommendation progression sharpening stones

    Wow! Even to 12K.
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    another dumb question for beginner whetstone

    You will enjoy them!
  19. B

    another dumb question for beginner whetstone

    NP800 is around 1100 maybe. I would go for that one. No need to go higher in my opinion.