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  1. Fynbo

    Strop - compound vs no compound

    I use a soft Ohira Tomae level 2,5 Each stone is unique, so cant recommend anything specific, but a soft koppa/smaller stone does not cost a fortune. Here is a few in the 150 euro range.
  2. Fynbo

    Strop - compound vs no compound

    I used coated leather (1 micron diamond paste) for a long time, but gave it up. It polish the edge to much for my taste losing its bite faster. I get longer lasting edges with a few edge leading strokes on a jnat.
  3. Fynbo

    The Knives of Yesteryear

    Toyama knives with iron cladding falls into the category now imo ( the long discontinued or obscure items) soon all his knives due to his age. Stellar knives from a true master blacksmith.
  4. Fynbo

    Removing some relatively fresh patina?

    Bar Keepers Friend is very good for getting rid of patina.
  5. Fynbo

    Opinions on sharpening systems?

    I started sharpening with an Edge pro, but moved on to free hand. The Edge Pro worked ok, but it was just too much hazzle to setup and use for the most part.
  6. Fynbo

    what grit whetstones do you need?

    I got 1 knife in VG10. Tojiro Flash. I get a far better and longer lasting edge stopping at 1k than taking it to 6k. Stainless steel does not benefit from higher grids than 1-2k in my experience.
  7. Fynbo

    What one Jnat should I buy from JNS?

    I would go for a Shoubudani Koppa Lv 2,5 they are quite cheap and a good starting point for trying out jnats, and maybe add one of the small red aotos to create a coarser mix of mud.
  8. Fynbo

    Elastic ceramic knife

    I would like to see a part 2 of the robe cutting test after a maintenance session on diamond coated leather.
  9. Fynbo

    Finding the burr on a compound microscope with a lit mechanical stage

    One nuance is to have pressure on the edge trailing move and pressure off the edge leading while scrubbing. For removing burr I clean the stone of slurry, then do a gentle edge leading stroke on one side of the blade while raising the angle a bit to make sure I dont hit behind the edge, no...
  10. Fynbo

    Introduction to JNats (what should my first JNat be)

    I would look for a cheap koppa stone soft to medium hardness to start with, or find a nice deal here on the forum.
  11. Fynbo

    what stone do I need besides 1000 grit

    If your knives are made from stainless steel, no need for a higher grid stone than what you already have. For carbon knives 3k and up will benefit you. How high you need to go depends on your own preference on bite vs refinement.
  12. Fynbo

    first JNAT

    JNS have a nice selection of Shoubudani Koppa stones level 2,5 in stock at the moment. A good choice for your first jnat in my opinion and you dont have to sell a kidney to afford one :)
  13. Fynbo

    My experience with JNS

    I just checked my order history with JNS. 10 orders in total over the years, all parcels arrived in fine condition. My first order with JNS was a 240mm gyoto. I place the order, the next day Maxim contact me and tells me the gyotos he recived from Japan had been mislabeled and was in fact...
  14. Fynbo

    J-Nat sealing question.

    I'm not concerned with the food safety of any lacquer. I always round the edges of the stones a little, the knife is never in contact with it. I sealed this stone summer 2019 with a 10$ spray paint and it hold up fine. Its never soaked just splash and go. Instructions said the paint can be used...
  15. Fynbo

    J-Nat sealing question.

    I use a can of lacquer spray paint from the local hardware store. Cover the sharpening surface with painters tape.
  16. Fynbo

    My favorite color is BLUE!.............A patina thread.

    Munetoshi Nakiri "Mt. Fuji". After jnat polish before any use.
  17. Fynbo

    looking for a recommendation. Need kiritsuke 240mm might be worth a look, February discount coming up. Located in Denmark and is a reputable vendor in both knives and sharpening stones.
  18. Fynbo

    Help judging if a Munetoshi is worth returning

    It is hard to tell as the uneven sides makes it look worse than it is. The bottom half of the knife is 100% strait, sharpening is no problem.
  19. Fynbo

    Help judging if a Munetoshi is worth returning

    The pictures are accurate. The knife is slightly bend at the spine, but strait at the edge. The bend spine does not affect performance as far as I can tell, but Im a home chef not an expert.