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  1. TheGreek

    Share your 'Dad Jokes' thread

    It takes time for a Dad joke to mature. I mean can you really call it a dad joke until it's full groan?
  2. TheGreek

    Share your 'Dad Jokes' thread

    I once dated a girl with a lazy eye, but I had to break up with her. She was seeing someone on the side. . .
  3. TheGreek

    Share your 'Dad Jokes' thread

    Someone broke into the police station and stole all of their toilets. Police have nothing to go on. . .
  4. TheGreek

    Share your 'Dad Jokes' thread

    I buy all my guns from a guy named T-Rex. He's a small arms dealer. . .
  5. TheGreek

    Share your 'Dad Jokes' thread

    Did I ever tell you guys about the time I dated a woman with a wooden leg? It was all good, but then I had to break it off. . .
  6. TheGreek

    Munetoshi butcher blade protector

    I've used cheap blade protectors in the past, but I like that particular blade so much I had a custom saya made. Christopher Miller. He's on Instagram at customchopshop. Too many teenagers passing through my kitchen to risk leaving blades out on a magnetic display. Cheers!
  7. TheGreek

    Media ugliest. knife. ever.

    are we going to pass right by and not mention the handy lanyard hole?
  8. TheGreek

    What do you have on your wrist?

    Latest purchase. Glycine Airman Base 22 Purist. 24 hour dial.
  9. TheGreek

    Whats your most expensive hobby?

    I never thought of my self as 'fancy'. I do appreciate craftsmanship in anything. In an age of machines stamping out cookie cutter items, I appreciate hand made items. I would bet that applies to most of the people on this forum (maybe i'm speaking out of turn). There's an old photography...
  10. TheGreek

    Whats your most expensive hobby?

    We all can, and have used regular beater knives at work or at home. Somewhere or sometime we were introduced to Japanese knives and we learned that there was much more out there than a knife block purchased at Walmart. That same curiosity that lead us to seek out something better carries over...
  11. TheGreek

    Whats your most expensive hobby?

    I have several hobbies that I move into and out of. I enjoy them all immensely. Knives, of course, photography, high end audio/home theater, watches, and lately Crypto. Definitely Crypto lately.
  12. TheGreek

    Losing my brisket virginity

    Yes. Looks like a walmart flat. Cooked many in my time. Everyone will tell you that their way is the only way to go. The only thing I can tell you is to have fun and try new stuff. You know what flavor profile appeals to you. Go with it and build on it. Personally, I seem to always come...
  13. TheGreek

    Barbeque Knife? Takobiki? Sujihiki?

    The CKTG and Knifewear might actually be essentially the same knife. Just different finish on the cladding. I agree with daveb. I little heft is needed and I don't want any flex like a fish knife. I emailed Knifewear back just a minute ago to see if they can get me a weight.
  14. TheGreek

    Barbeque Knife? Takobiki? Sujihiki?

    Moritaka Ishime Sujihiki 270mm Anyone have any experience with this knife? Was recommended to me by
  15. TheGreek

    Show your newest knife buy

    Yasaku Blue #2 Bunka @170mm. My first Japanese knife. Got this in mid-October and have been using it at home since. It's a small knife, perfect for home use. It's very light, but no flex in the blade so it feels sturdy enough on the board. Good blade height so my push cutting feels really...
  16. TheGreek

    Barbeque Knife? Takobiki? Sujihiki?

    I just pulled the trigger on the Mune 170mm butcher. I think that's going to get a lot of use.
  17. TheGreek

    Barbeque Knife? Takobiki? Sujihiki?

    I always cut ribs bone up. You need to see them while you cut. I absolutely hate to ding the bone with my knife, even if it's an old restaurant beater. Probably just my OCD coming out. For brisket, I think it cooks better if it's whole. The flat by itself just cooks too fast for me. Crust...
  18. TheGreek

    Barbeque Knife? Takobiki? Sujihiki?

    I agree. There’s nothing like the right knife for the right job.
  19. TheGreek

    Barbeque Knife? Takobiki? Sujihiki?

    That’s serious q work. I’m going to look them up a little later. I’ve got a big arm and don’t mind a knife on the heavy side. Kinda prefer it for long work.
  20. TheGreek

    Barbeque Knife? Takobiki? Sujihiki?

    Let me know how it goes. Preferably with pictures 😁