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SOLD 210 Iron Clad Toyama Gyuto

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Oct 23, 2019
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Los Angeles
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I'd like to get what I paid for it, $450. I did thin it a little and refinished w sandpaper progression and uchi finger stones. Some scratches underneath still slightly visible in the right light but the knife definitely performs better as a result. 211 by 50 @ 186g. If you pair this with the Mazaki I have on sale you go to the front of the line.

Sweet, not something you see everyday. Does this iron clad toyama hold up to the legends in your opinion? Was working on a selloff but now so much good stuff is out of the woodworks...
I have a 240 stainless and I much prefer the “feel” of this one. But I can’t really tell you if that’s just a placebo thing. I’m an iron clad stan so I’ll always default to thinking they’re better.

I will say that I prefer to keep my watoyamas at an almost zero grind and maintaining a decent working finish on an iron clad is way easier for me than trying to go up carefully in grits on stainless cladding.