I hadn't given much thought to setting new angles on a primary bevels, most of mine are pretty thin BTE, but is 15 degrees where it should stop as a good angle without compromising too much? This would be on the paper steels and, say, 52100. Could lower angles like 10 degrees be ok, say on a protoypical Yoshikane 240 or an Eddworks? Without sacrificing edge retention too much?
I need to get better at sharpening overall, but I was curious where the limits were, and what the rule of thumb is, when it comes to primary bevel angles. I am not looking to get the sharpest angle ever but wanted some thoughts on how do discern which angle is right for a given blade where an ideal balance of retention and performance is achieved (theoretically).
I hadn't given much thought to setting new angles on a primary bevels, most of mine are pretty thin BTE, but is 15 degrees where it should stop as a good angle without compromising too much? This would be on the paper steels and, say, 52100. Could lower angles like 10 degrees be ok, say on a protoypical Yoshikane 240 or an Eddworks? Without sacrificing edge retention too much?
I need to get better at sharpening overall, but I was curious where the limits were, and what the rule of thumb is, when it comes to primary bevel angles. I am not looking to get the sharpest angle ever but wanted some thoughts on how do discern which angle is right for a given blade where an ideal balance of retention and performance is achieved (theoretically).