I'm really thinking about getting on of these. Major concerns and advantages abound for me, personally. I'll try to list the major questions I have. I'll probably think of one or two more. I have done the best search on the net I could, and these questions are just not answered.
1. Is this the original version? Anova has a price right now for $529+, and the bezos outfit has them for $1000??! The msrp seems to be $700 right now, as far as I can tell.
2. Anyone have any perception of durability or reliability?
3. What is the biggest bird you can practically fit in this thing? This is huge for me. We get whole chickens that go from 6 to 8 lbs. What about a 10 lb. pork shoulder roast (pork butt, bone in)?
4. I do a lot of bread that need steam. Right now I use a pizza stone with a SS mixing bowl over the top for the first 20 minutes. It works pretty good. For you bread bakers, how does it do? I do typical french loaves, italian, and rye bread. Do you use a heavy thermal mass base of some sort? Which brings me to...
5. What is the largest pan you can fit? What would be the largest paella pan you could get in there?
6. If this is the original version, does anyone know if there is a v2 in the works? One of my biggest fears is that I get one of these, and then they come out with one that fit a standard half sheet. Ahhhhh!!!!! Things that make you scream. If you're alone.
That's all I can really think of right now. Thanks for any info.
1. Is this the original version? Anova has a price right now for $529+, and the bezos outfit has them for $1000??! The msrp seems to be $700 right now, as far as I can tell.
2. Anyone have any perception of durability or reliability?
3. What is the biggest bird you can practically fit in this thing? This is huge for me. We get whole chickens that go from 6 to 8 lbs. What about a 10 lb. pork shoulder roast (pork butt, bone in)?
4. I do a lot of bread that need steam. Right now I use a pizza stone with a SS mixing bowl over the top for the first 20 minutes. It works pretty good. For you bread bakers, how does it do? I do typical french loaves, italian, and rye bread. Do you use a heavy thermal mass base of some sort? Which brings me to...
5. What is the largest pan you can fit? What would be the largest paella pan you could get in there?
6. If this is the original version, does anyone know if there is a v2 in the works? One of my biggest fears is that I get one of these, and then they come out with one that fit a standard half sheet. Ahhhhh!!!!! Things that make you scream. If you're alone.
That's all I can really think of right now. Thanks for any info.