Asahi Cutting Board Purchasing Advice

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Jul 4, 2024
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Hope this is in the proper forum. I'm looking for a good vendor to purchase an Asahi cutting board. I'm in the US and looking at the 750mm x 330mm x 20mm board.
Hope this is in the proper forum. I'm looking for a good vendor to purchase an Asahi cutting board. I'm in the US and looking at the 750mm x 330mm x 20mm board.

I have the Parker Asahi Black Pro Cutting Board on sale now. The board sounds just like wood, does not slide, is very resistant to surface scoring, washes very easily, dries fast, and looks great.

Check my website
I have both Ashi and Hasegawa.

Maybe because my hasegawa is not the top trim, the ashi outperforms:

The food release are both good, the easiness of cleaning is both good with peroxide spray always at side.

My hasegawa is soft, so it bends a little over time. A higher pro-trim might be better?

Anyway, ashi has unnoticable drawback during years of service in my home kitchen.