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Senior Member
Feb 1, 2013
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Kewpie Mayo? Do you use it?

I dig the squeeze bottle. I think it’s a tad on the sweet side, but I’m loving it. Only in the last decade of my life did I start eating Mayo again. I got food poisoned from a BLT as a kid and it got me off Mayo most my life. Didn’t affect my bacon intake even in the slightest:).

It’s my go to Mayo.

It was most likely the lettuce that got you sick. Mayo is inhospitable to foodborne pathogen.

Kewpie is good stuff but not general purpose, so I usually just fake it by adding msg and sugar to Duke’s mayo. But if I‘m doing okonomiyaki or something, I go for the real thing.

I make a lot of “compound mayo” sauces, and having a squeeze bottle around for mayo is definitely a good thing.
Kewpie Mayo? Do you use it?

I dig the squeeze bottle. I think it’s a tad on the sweet side, but I’m loving it. Only in the last decade of my life did I start eating Mayo again. I got food poisoned from a BLT as a kid and it got me off Mayo most my life. Didn’t affect my bacon intake even in the slightest:).

It’s my go to Mayo.

View attachment 269272
I always have two types of mayo in my 'fridge—a bottle of Kewpie, and a jar of Hellman’s. Like them both, but depends on what I'm cooking.
I use it on grilled cheese. I believe I got that from a Serious Eats recipe. Kewpie on one side of the bread, butter on the other, toast both sides.
Not a big fan of it. I have a bottle in a fridge but I only use it when I ran out of my mayo.
I use it on grilled cheese. I believe I got that from a Serious Eats recipe. Kewpie on one side of the bread, butter on the other, toast both sides.
that is exactly how I made my grilled chees sammies as teenager, not with kewpie but with Devos Lemmens Mayo ( a Belgian brand)

heck I ate toast with just mayo and some fresh ground pepper and still do....
This is the trick I use to make my mayo, works perfectly and it so much easier compared to the traditional slow pour method.

While the risk is low, it's always best to pasteurize your eggs. And no, the 5 minute hot water trick, does not do it. I found that using sousvide 135F for 60-75min works nicelly. The egg whites will change the color/consistency slightly but it does not affect the emulsification.
just try, all that's needed is some eggs and oil, you can always add the whites when needed for the method I reckon...
(I gave up on producing great Mayo long ago, it always becomes something weird and I like the Devos Lemmens version better if slightly salty for my taste)
Since Kewpie is egg yolk only, wonder if two egg yolks as opposed to 1 whole would work here.
I "think" that (aka, I'm wondering if) any protein would act to create an emulsion. I may try it with a little tuna and oil and water with a stick blender, see what happens
Mayo from the store is not the same product as mayo you make at home.
no one will disagree with you on that one. but the spirit of my thread was about Kewpie.