Just wanted to give an update.
Decided to thin the knife myself. Here's how it looked after a few minutes on a 300 King stone (tap the pics to enlarge).
Although the kireha was, for the most part pretty even, there were unfortunately some significant low spots right near the edge.

Thinned for about 40 minutes on a Shapton 120 and 20 minutes on a King 300. Took off 3 grams.
It might be hard to tell, but a lot the low spots near the edge are still there. No easy fix, so I'll deal with it later.
Before and after choil shots.

Spent a few minutes giving it a mirror polish, and of course I forgot to take pictures, but you can kind of see the end result in the video below.
Afterward I did go back and tried a quick kasumi finish. And again I forgot to take some pictures. But here's how it looks after a few days of use.
In terms of cutting performance, there's significant improvement. I can still feel it hesitate every now and then, but it doesn't wedge like it used to. Before thinning it was 4/10, maybe even a 3. Now it's a 7/10 (B tier).