Hado Sumi/ Y Tanaka W2 Question

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Apr 15, 2024
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I have a tanaka w1 knife and the steel is phenomenal. It really holds an edge, even better than some AS knives I have. I've heard his B1 is an absolute dream, but I've never heard much about his w2. Sadly, there aren't many reviews on here.

My Question is, how does tanakas w2 hold up durability wise compared to his w1? Im thinking about getting this as a present for a friend, however they likely wont be sharpening it at home. The ease of sharpening won't be a huge benefit, but if it holds an edge like the w1 I suspect it won't be an issue.
I have a tanaka w1 knife and the steel is phenomenal. It really holds an edge, even better than some AS knives I have. I've heard his B1 is an absolute dream, but I've never heard much about his w2. Sadly, there aren't many reviews on here.

My Question is, how does tanakas w2 hold up durability wise compared to his w1? Im thinking about getting this as a present for a friend, however they likely wont be sharpening it at home. The ease of sharpening won't be a huge benefit, but if it holds an edge like the w1 I suspect it won't be an issue.
I really dislike his white 2, just because it seems the edge retention is very low. But who knows, could just be my experience. I have heard others say the same, and others like it. Durability wise, should be fine. Can your friend deal with carbon?
Thanks, yeah the carbon isn't an issue, more i just want them to have a knife they don't have to sharpen regularly, since I don't believe they use whetstone and would probably just get it pro sharpened.

That's a ******* shame, the ff looks amazing and I love my hado. Also, my tanaka w1 has insane edge retention so I was hoping the same for the sumi. I suppose I'll try to find a junpaku, but the sumi just looks so much nicer.
I really dislike his white 2, just because it seems the edge retention is very low. But who knows, could just be my experience. I have heard others say the same, and others like it. Durability wise, should be fine. Can your friend deal with carbon?
Thanks, yeah the carbon isn't an issue, more i just want them to have a knife they don't have to sharpen regularly, since I don't believe they use whetstone and would probably just get it pro sharpened.

That's a ******* shame, the ff looks amazing and I love my hado. Also, my tanaka w1 has insane edge retention so I was hoping the same for the sumi. I suppose I'll try to find a junpaku, but the sumi just looks so much nicer.
I looooved my junpaku
I really dislike his white 2, just because it seems the edge retention is very low. But who knows, could just be my experience. I have heard others say the same, and others like it. Durability wise, should be fine. Can your friend deal with carbon?
In general is w2 not great for edge retention? I've never actually owned a w2 knife before, but if tanaka can't make it work I'm wondering if I should avoid looking at it all together
In general is w2 not great for edge retention? I've never actually owned a w2 knife before, but if tanaka can't make it work I'm wondering if I should avoid looking at it all together
Honestly, none of the hitachi paper steels are that great for edge retention outside blue super. Blue is a bit ahead of white, but yeah w2 is at the bottom (not counting rare w3). Reminder that sharpening angle, hardness, and thickness of the edge all play a part as well for edge retention (https://knifesteelnerds.com/2018/06/18/maximizing-edge-retention/)

I have heard good things about mazaki white 2, and hinoura white 2, along some others as well, maybe Ashi? But yeah it would not be my pick for edge retention. If I wanted a japanese knife with edge retention, it would be ZDP, SG2, HAP40, even ginsan would be higher up. And of course AS if you want carbon.
Honestly, none of the hitachi paper steels are that great for edge retention outside blue super. Blue is a bit ahead of white, but yeah w2 is at the bottom (not counting rare w3). Reminder that sharpening angle, hardness, and thickness of the edge all play a part as well for edge retention (https://knifesteelnerds.com/2018/06/18/maximizing-edge-retention/)

I have heard good things about mazaki white 2, and hinoura white 2, along some others as well, maybe Ashi? But yeah it would not be my pick for edge retention. If I wanted a japanese knife with edge retention, it would be ZDP, SG2, HAP40, even ginsan would be higher up. And of course AS if you want carbon.
Yeah in part I was asking since I was also eyeing the oft sold out ashi/geshin Ginga w2 line. They seem to be really popular but at this point I'll probably just either try to go w1 y tanaka or b1.
Bot tanaka and tf w1 I have are excellent, so I'm not completely off shirogami yet, and I have a couple as knives that aren't as good as either (moritaka and masakage).

W3 is spicy white right? I always see people clamoring for it on the bst, I'm surprised it's inferior to the others.
Spicy white is 26C3, not white 3.
Yoshikazu Tanaka does very good white 1 and blue 1. But his white 2 is not known to be good, feels a bit softer, doesn’t get as sharp as his white 1. Many makers, such as Hinoura and Munetoshi does white 2 better.

But honestly, I think it’s good enough. Tanaka’s white 2 used on a proper cutting board can last weeks easily and a loaded strop can bring it back to razor sharpness easily.
Depends on your goals.

Looking to learn to work stones? Get the W2.
Want to spend more money? Get the blue.
Want to learn to make the dammy come out after thinning? Get the blue 1 dammy.

Hado seems like the right one to go w2 though, because of how thin the grid is. Thinning won’t have to be done for a while after purchase.

Your choice of knife reflects more on you as it’s user, than it as your owner.

As a gift, would not suggest. (Basically) all carbon steels (especially white steels) are 1 lemon away from being *effectively* dull. Go for stainless if they’re not sharpening themselves. R2 is always my gift of choice.
As a gift, would not suggest. (Basically) all carbon steels (especially white steels) are 1 lemon away from being *effectively* dull. Go for stainless if they’re not sharpening themselves.
I couldn't agree more.
I really dislike his white 2, just because it seems the edge retention is very low. But who knows, could just be my experience. I have heard others say the same, and others like it. Durability wise, should be fine. Can your friend deal with carbon?
I hope this isn't the case with his W1! Will be getting my first soon!