Hello, Here to Move Along Some of My Knives

Kitchen Knife Forums

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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2020
Reaction score
Massachusetts, USA

I am a lover of kitchen knives but, to be honest, not very high end knives. I really enjoy using our older Wusthof, Dexter, and A.G. Russel knives as well as a few Masamotos. I wanted to join this community as I do have some higher end knives that I do not use and I am not really interested in collecting knives. I have enjoyed browsing through posts and learning a bit about the styles that seem to be popular. Take care!
hijkn: “shut up and take my supporting membership money!“

Seriously, why do we care if they just want to sell something? It’s not against the rules to have that as their motivation, as long as they either contribute for a while first or pay the supporting membership fee. Welcome @hijackn, and at least in my nonmoderator opinion it’s just fine to be upfront about it.
Welcome! Support the site by purchasing a supporting membership, take good pictures, give honest descriptions and answer members questions. This is a good place to find new homes for your collectors knives. Good luck with your sales!
Sorry for doing the dad-joke version of posting a link. But I could not stop myself!
