Inspired by Martell's spa treatments i gave my 210 Hiromoto a whack.
Thinned on stones from 140 atoma and through most of a debado 180 (may be exaggerating a bit here, never the less i have not dished a stone as badly before.)
Polished up to grit 600 by hand.
In the process i learned, or relearned, why i hate polishing metal by hand.
The scratches when you change direction is a bit**
But wow the etching brought out it all. Shadows and the shiny line... Even some sort of pattern in the core steel.
Quite pleased
Will not do again though...
Thinned on stones from 140 atoma and through most of a debado 180 (may be exaggerating a bit here, never the less i have not dished a stone as badly before.)
Polished up to grit 600 by hand.
In the process i learned, or relearned, why i hate polishing metal by hand.
The scratches when you change direction is a bit**
But wow the etching brought out it all. Shadows and the shiny line... Even some sort of pattern in the core steel.

Quite pleased
Will not do again though...