Kamon Gen 3 massdrop

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Did you participate and did you get the knife from Gen.3 massdrop?

  • I participated and got one

    Votes: 13 9.7%
  • I participated but didn't get one

    Votes: 89 66.4%
  • I didn't particepate

    Votes: 32 23.9%

  • Total voters

...The greatest random draw of our time.
Ok. So I think there was a lot of participants..600?

I think we can figure it out pretty closely here with success %.
That's what I thought too—it really seemed like I might get lucky and finally get my hands on a Kamon. But for now, I’ll have to live vicariously through others and explore the many other incredible knives out there.
I wonder if there were some that were not drawn and rather reserved for some partners. Not that I would mind, just wondering. 🤷

View attachment 386893
Yes. That's true. Close friends of mine who wanted one of course had dibs.

I didn't disclose that publicly as I think that is what every decent human beeing in my position would do anyways. Imagine someone close to me asking me for one and me then saying "well... Enter the draw" 😂.
And I'm not talking about good customers here. I'm talking about friends I see on the regular. Obviously there is a overlap there, and if possible I'd prefer to not have that kind of overlap and call those people just my friends without them buying my knives, but for some reason, they're also interested in my knives, not just my beautiful butt.

Disclosing that upfront wouldn't have changed anything I could think of either. So to me I just took it as it is but it's true that not all of those 60 knives have been in the draw.

However I understand that this could be irritating to some, but then I again would like to emphasize the thought that most people in my position would've acted the same way.
Fair enough. Maybe I should make new friends? 😂

Joking aside, it’s totally cool.

As much as I would have loved to get my name drawn I am happy for those that got one.

There’s still plenty of other stuff to keep me occupied.
Poll is heavily skewed towards No. If the ratio holds, that would imply almost 900 entrants!

That would certainly be impressive, but perhaps all the lucky ones who were selected are just busy celebrating 🎉