Knife findings

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I just put an order through for one that was accepted. Maybe they are releasing in batches?!
I was on a wait-list for these since the initial batch and had an invoice to pay for one, but kept failing to do so while you jerks kept grabbing them! J/K, it does seem he's adding them in batches. Happy Shindo Day!
Looks like pretty petties are in :)

I asked for another one. I do really like his work.
I just want to publicise this:
  • The parcel has been confirmed to be lost.
  • Evan is aware and upset about it and will generously make me another one. I think he is also changing how he delivers his knives after this recent run of bad fortune.
  • He has been great to deal with so far and I just wanted to make that clear!
Why are Shindo always releasing when I have the worst day at work and miss out. Oh well probably don’t need another gyuto.
I don’t know where else to post this awesomeness

I’m gonna get you little fishies
