Hi everyone,
I am new here so I hope this thread is allowed here and in the right category.
If not I would like to apologize.
We soon move into our new home and today my first ever knives arrived in the mail and along with it a 520mm magnetic knife rack.
I ask myself where and how high I should mount it and thought the experienced people here could maybe help me.
I thought about 3 different spots as seen in the drawings. (purple are possible spots for the rack)
Floor Plan:
The main working area will be on the cooking island (I hope this is the right english term for it)
There is no space for the rack on the island but on the opposing side is a window and on the left or right side next to the window would be a possible position (Position 2 and 3 in the drawing)
I front of the window there will be kind of a secondary working space and the espresso machine.
A little bit more off will be another lets say "side working space" and there would also be space for the Rack (my idea was right above the tiles) this would be Position 1 in the drawing. There is more space so i could at least mount another 520mm Rack there if more space is needed where at the window only one rack per side is possible.
From the optic side in front of the window would be nice because the wooden panels are made out of oak wood which fits perfectly to the rack wich is also made out of oak wood. One issue could be that the window opens towards position 3 so here we would need to take care when opening the window fully (will not be the case that often)
On position 2 the espresso machine could be in the way (maybe need to mount the rack higher up, I don`t have a machine yet)
On position 1 we need to consider that the door of the drawer is opening towards the wall so the rack would need to be more on the left side as shown in the drawing.
For a better understanding here are some pictures:
Position 1:
Position 2:
Position 3: (you also see the knife rack laying there)
Thank your for your help!
I am new here so I hope this thread is allowed here and in the right category.
If not I would like to apologize.
We soon move into our new home and today my first ever knives arrived in the mail and along with it a 520mm magnetic knife rack.
I ask myself where and how high I should mount it and thought the experienced people here could maybe help me.
I thought about 3 different spots as seen in the drawings. (purple are possible spots for the rack)
Floor Plan:
The main working area will be on the cooking island (I hope this is the right english term for it)
There is no space for the rack on the island but on the opposing side is a window and on the left or right side next to the window would be a possible position (Position 2 and 3 in the drawing)
I front of the window there will be kind of a secondary working space and the espresso machine.
A little bit more off will be another lets say "side working space" and there would also be space for the Rack (my idea was right above the tiles) this would be Position 1 in the drawing. There is more space so i could at least mount another 520mm Rack there if more space is needed where at the window only one rack per side is possible.
From the optic side in front of the window would be nice because the wooden panels are made out of oak wood which fits perfectly to the rack wich is also made out of oak wood. One issue could be that the window opens towards position 3 so here we would need to take care when opening the window fully (will not be the case that often)
On position 2 the espresso machine could be in the way (maybe need to mount the rack higher up, I don`t have a machine yet)
On position 1 we need to consider that the door of the drawer is opening towards the wall so the rack would need to be more on the left side as shown in the drawing.
For a better understanding here are some pictures:
Position 1:
Position 2:
Position 3: (you also see the knife rack laying there)
Thank your for your help!
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