KNIFESHOW AUSTRIA - May 10+11 2025

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Maker of Knives, lover of Rectangles
Dec 14, 2022
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Whats up beautiful knifefreaks and nerds (i mean lets be honest, arent we all?)

In May there will be the biggest Knifeshow in Austria with a TON of AWESOME Makers!!!
Andonis Forged arts
Krichbaum Knives
Modern Cooking/Birch and Bevel

Oh, before i forget - Kamon will be there!!!!11!1!

It will be located in Garsten, Upperaustria.
You can find it under Knifeshow Austria in the Social Medias

It would be freaking awesome to meet some of your Beautiful Faces in person and have some fun talks!
You'll find me running arround and fixing errors cause Knifemakers are clumsy people but we all love them <3
So let me know what you think and if you'll stop by! I honestly CANT FREAKING WAIT <3 <3


oh did i mention that Kamon is coming?
We've been meaning to come to Austria with the family, but I'm not sure I can convince the wife to make it this exact week on the basis of going to a knife show when she's still a bit skeptical about the whole knife hobby... 😄

Hopefully it's a success though and you get to do it again.
We've been meaning to come to Austria with the family, but I'm not sure I can convince the wife to make it this exact week on the basis of going to a knife show when she's still a bit skeptical about the whole knife hobby... 😄

Hopefully it's a success though and you get to do it again.
Haha i hope it will be yes! :)
If..Let's say someone is going from US,🧐what's the best route to get there? Viena(flight of course) -> Garsten(train?)
That is what I would do. A nice ride through the lower Alps.
If..Let's say someone is going from US,🧐what's the best route to get there? Viena(flight of course) -> Garsten(train?)
I ususally fly from Vienna to the US (what i do WAY TO OFTEN, but not enough)
Vienna will be cheapest. Its like 2 hours by car from the airport but the Trainsystem is working pretty fine here in austria.
I'd suggest staying in Steyr (bigger city right next to Garsten) since there are maybe 2 hotels in garsten that AFAIK are already booked out xD
A little birdie told me Kamon will be there.

Admission fee is reasonable. Funny enough, I was in Steyr last May, so not far from this venue, to have a private viewing of the 19th century Japanese sword collection of Dr Albrecht von Roretz.
A little birdie told me Kamon will be there.

Admission fee is reasonable. Funny enough, I was in Steyr last May, so not far from this venue, to have a private viewing of the 19th century Japanese sword collection of Dr Albrecht von Roretz.
Bro you where in my town and didnt visit me???
The collection is great, i got a personal tour through the collection once!
Try to get a second one for my YT
I ususally fly from Vienna to the US (what i do WAY TO OFTEN, but not enough)
Vienna will be cheapest. Its like 2 hours by car from the airport but the Trainsystem is working pretty fine here in austria.
I'd suggest staying in Steyr (bigger city right next to Garsten) since there are maybe 2 hotels in garsten that AFAIK are already booked out xD
Cheers! I was wondering what that bigger dude called Steyr next door is about..