Lefty Usuba that doesn’t cost $300+ ??

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Senior Member
May 17, 2014
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Hey all!

Thinking about getting an usuba but I’m left handed. Everything I’m finding is really expensive for a lefty usuba. Found a couple lefty yanagi for $150 give or take but it seems like the usuba are all quite a bit more. Any recommendations on cheap/cheaper lefty usubas?

Also, I really want one just to play around with it. Don’t really need it for anything but figured it might be fun to play with :)
There are some smaller left hand ones that I see occasionally, but lefty knives in general are pretty rare in the second hand market in Japan. The ratio is something like 1:100 single bevels I see. XD. Don't expect a big discount, cause the second hand market is tinyyyy. Also expect knives to come kinda messed up or bent, and ura work can be . . Difficult

Lefty usuba
Previously sold left usuba
https://auctions.yahoo.co.jp/closedsearch/closedsearch/薄刃包丁 左/2084063500/
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What do you think of this? A Sakai Takayuki Kasumi white #3 lefty 195mm, honbazuke'd and with scabbard included, for JPY 18,510 ~= USD 126.69. (It has the cheapie handle though.)
CKTG sells a lefty Kitaoka blue #2 180mm for $176, but they're currently sold out.
Hocho Knife has the Sakai Takayuki Kasumi white #3 lefty 180mm with the buffalo-horn bolster for $163.99 (scabbard not included):
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Thanks for the suggestions all! Yeah @refcast was my first thought on this, I kinda figured that might be the case on the second hand market. I’ve heard it was exceedingly rare for left knives in general compared to how many right handed ones are out there. Doesn’t mean lefty’s are around of course just that there are so many more righty single bevels :)

Those Sakai Takayuki seem decent enough. Might have some imperfections/issues but overall may be usable.

Thanks everyone! I knew there had to be some cheaper options than what I was seeing from a quick search.
Bought mine from Korin but it is has been a number of years ago now. Seems like it was below $300 then. As it turned out it was a mistake. A Usuba is a specialized knife for some one with the training to use it. Its not just a single bevel nakari. I wasn't that person. I've offered it for sale at the Oregon Knife Collector's Show with out a single looker. :)
Bought mine from Korin but it is has been a number of years ago now. Seems like it was below $300 then. As it turned out it was a mistake. A Usuba is a specialized knife for some one with the training to use it. Its not just a single bevel nakari. I wasn't that person. I've offered it for sale at the Oregon Knife Collector's Show with out a single looker. :)
For this untrained person, a Usuba is just a peeling knife, and one that gets me great results, and that I really enjoy using.