New from the PNW

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New Member
Jul 19, 2023
Reaction score
Hello all!

Another home cook here. Been resisting delving in to the world of high end knives because I have enough hobbies and don't want to get sucked in. After about a decade of resisting, here I am. I don't have many knives worth mentioning but I do enjoy borrowing friends' lasers, a fibrox boning knife, and a global g2 that just refuses to quit. A cck cleaver can sometimes be a nice change of pace too. Not interested that much expansion but I'm also aware of the humor in that statement.
Welcome from the PNW.

You don't have to jump head long into it all. A couple good knives can last you many years and you can be quite happy. Only Knife Knuts go crazy. :)

That said, I will always strongly encourage to learn sharpening. Good knives or bad knives, this is an invaluable skill. You can help bad knives be better and get the most out of good ones. Functional edges are not the mystical art so often portrayed nor do they require exorbitant gear. You certainly can dive way down deep and get into the mystical art but it isn't required just to get knives that work well.

KKF is full of folks who like to help. :)