New from Wicked Edge

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New Member
Jul 2, 2019
Reaction score
Santa Fe New Mexico
Hi, my name is Rosie and I am new to both the Wicked Edge Precision Knife sharpener company but also here. I'd love to know more about the world of Kitchen Knives and what Wicked Edge can bring to the table in the Kitchen.

Best Regards, Rosie.
Hi Rosie. While we welcome anyone who shares an interest in kitchen knives, this is not a forum for promotion of any kind by manufacturers, reps, or any other parties associated with products or services for the kitchen knife community. Our forum rules provide more detail.

I'm approving your individual membership at this time cause you remind me of a former gf named CracklinRosie. But anything promotional or could be perceived as promotional will result in censor.

On this basis - welcome.
Hi Dave, Thank you for the information. I am aware to not post anything promotional and am mainly here to just get a greater understanding of the world of kitchen knives. I can see how my introductory post came off as promotional and thank you for not censoring it. I'll keep it to more learning-oriented.

Thank you - Rosie