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New Member
Mar 3, 2022
Reaction score
Bay Area, CA
Hi Everyone, Have been lurking for a bit and figured it's time to make an account. Looking to learn more about different types of knives as I'm looking to make some purchases. Thank you all for the help in advance!
Thank you! Have a question, was looking into getting a Sujihiki, doing my research on the site and saw your name come up quite often regarding Sujis. I was hoping to get a recommendation on a Sujihiki. I think I narrowed it down to a Toyama or Watanabe but was having trouble deciding. The Toyama is a bit more expensive than the Watanabe and was wondering if the price difference was worth it? Hoping to hear your thoughts. Thanks again!
At one point I had a Wat and a Toy at the same time, both iron clad, the Wat Pro was blue, not sure the Toy.

They were within a couple grams of each other, both right at 270mm. Could not tell them apart in use without looking. Wat may be more available - not sure.

A Heiji carbon was right up there as well. Can order direct.

Western makers include HSC and Marko. Harbeer's Zwear has best retention of any suji I've used. Marko does well with either 52100 or AEBL.