Only in Canada...

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Senior Member
Mar 1, 2011
Reaction score
Only in Canada would you see a sign like this!
Read the whole sign.
Had to share!

Fort Steele is near Cranbrook,BC ....


*edit* really? Double-yoo tee eff is disallowed?! I'm pretty sure it's made the dictionary.

*edit* really? Double-yoo tee eff is disallowed?! I'm pretty sure it's made the dictionary.

Yeah we decided to keep it family like and keep all cursing and related acronyms off of the board. I use this myself often so I'm censoring me too.
I got hit with that W-T-F too at one point. It just takes some experimentation now to get around it. But is there a list of disallowed acronyms?

I love the sign!

Though it is a little ironic that what we're typing is being censored while the picture is not.:slaphead::lol2:

Best sign I've seen in ages.

Is that legit or computer generated? My guess is the latter, but it's friggin funny anyway.
How did I not see this earlier? Hahaha
In Cranbrook, I'm surprised the sign didn't suggest trying to calm a bear down with your 'stash' and 'munchies'!
Any time the sum of the digits in your post count equals 10, the profanity filter breaks. That was post #91 for me (9+1 = 10), so I could get away with it. Since this post is #92, it'll work again.

******* works!

Any time the sum of the digits in your post count equals 10, the profanity filter breaks. That was post #91 for me (9+1 = 10), so I could get away with it. Since this post is #92, it'll work again.

******* works!

Strange! Let's test it -- this is, I think, my post #144, the digits of which ad up to 9, so per your theory I can't say bad things, like ***!
Any time the sum of the digits in your post count equals 10, the profanity filter breaks. That was post #91 for me (9+1 = 10), so I could get away with it. Since this post is #92, it'll work again.

******* works!

OK, now this one is my post #145, the digits of which add up to 10, so according to you I can get away with horrible nasty language such as ***! (Same as in my post 144, where the *** became ***.
So much for the theory -- or maybe it works only if you have fewer than 100 posts.

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