Preparing for COVID-19

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not surprising...
Original paper:

Mistaken assumptions about SARS - CoV - 2 's aetiology [origin] risk creating ineffective or actively harmful vaccines , including the risk of Antibody - Dependent Enhancement (ADE) . Such problems in vaccine design are illustrated from past experience in the HIV domain.

We propose that the dual effect general method of action of this chimeric virus ’ s spike , including receptor binding domain , includes membrane components other than the ACE2 receptor , which explains clinical evidence of its infectivity and pathogenicity. We show the non - receptor dependent phagocytic general method of action to be specifically related to cumulative charge from inserted sections placed on the SARS - CoV - 2 Spike surface
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It must be all taken care of since we dismantled the coronavirus task force. 110,000 people dead and climbing and it's ok heh!
It must be all taken care of since we dismantled the coronavirus task force...

non sequiter. science quoted is done by non USA scientists, and has nothing to do with US politics.
The gist of UK study says that definititive proof has emerged showing previously un-discovered modifications to virus have been found. these modifications need to be studied and ciruclated to create a proper vaccine (in case you are worried about a treatment).

To some extent its unrelated, but modifications understood appear to be (intentional) chimeric breeding or otherwise man made insertions. This debumks the earlier claims about the origin of the virus being liked to "wet market" and "pangolins" etc. Those explanations are sciencifically junk now.

The Italian study is unrelated.
The italian study --my understanding-- documents reduced viral loads in PCR+ patients. This reduced viral load appears to correlated with clinical presentations wihich are not nearly as dangerous as what happened in Italy back in Feb.

This is a more curious piece of information, unrelated to the UK study.

One argment against a man-made / bio-weapon being intentionally released is that such is is unlikely to be happen without a known antidote or mitigating agent. The rapid appearance of mitigating "factors" after the discovery noted in the UK paper is "odd" but not conclusive.

... it just is notable and peculiar.
Lastly, the Telegraphy article notes that this information has been an open secret since early april and its publication was supressed for poltical purposes by the "scientitsts" doing the peer review.

In other words, "none of this is news" to the corona virus task force, the CIA or MI-6. It's only news now becase its has been authorized to "leak" into the public domain.

good night and good luck
I'm not sure I'd rely on the Telegraph as an authoritative source.

The Independent reports:

The study had been rejected by various journals and rewritten several times to remove accusatory claims about China before it was published in the Quarterly Review of Biophysics Discovery, according to The Telegraph.Initial co-author John Fredrik Moxnes, a chief scientific adviser to the Norwegian military, reportedly asked for his name to be removed.

Right now, I don't think it's possible to know who is right. I'm reserving judgement until there is more scientific consensus.
I'm not sure I'd rely on the Telegraph as an authoritative source.

LMAO..."the source" is not the Newspaper...also The article full text is linked above.

This science is not really in question, and is underlying why about a week ago the Chineese had to admit the "Wet market" Theory whas a hoax...This admission is because of the science has now shoen that there were very specific adaptations to the human in the Virus. These adaptations don't just happen when a vius jumps to a new host from an existing host...they used the example of SARS....

Not only was SARS originally found close to the bats from which it came, it took time to become human-sepcific adapted. COVID-19 was human specific adapted as of the outbreak of the Wuhan wet Market, its not plausible this was the virus's first exposure to replicating in humans.

There is a specific modification to the virus which has been made as noted in the report. The fact that the scientsists could "see" this modification is because such modifications have been done in labs before.
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This is reasearch carried out by Australians...

The team at Flinders University in Adelaide and Latrobe University in Melbourne studied how well SARS-CoV-2...infected different animals....

Professor Petrovsky expected to find an animal that was most susceptible to this, such as bats, ... but was shocked when humans came out on top.

Furthermore, viruses tend to get better at infecting new species as they adapt over time, but COVID-19 started 'completely optimised from day one without the need to evolve'.

'This is a new virus that has never been in humans before, but it has an extraordinarily high binding to human receptors, which is very surprising'

In other words, the Covid-19 virus FOUND IN WUHAN WT MARKET is BETTER at infecting humans than ANY OTHER HOST SPECIES...

That's not "typically" how evolution works. The statitstical odds are prohibitive and situation is unprecedented. This is why the China CDC publicly relented and admitted defeat for their wet market theory.
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This is reasearch carried out by Australians...

In other words, the Covid-19 virus FOUND IN WUHAN WT MARKET is BETTER at infecting humans than ANY OTHER HOST SPECIES...

That's not "typically" how evolution works. The statitstical odds are prohibitive and situation is unprecedented. This is why the China CDC publicly relented and admitted defeat for their wet market theory.
I did see this last week. One would doubt Nikolai Petrovsky is a conspiracy theorist.
The Business Insider article seems decent. I don't see it suggesting though that the virus was engineered in or escaped from a lab. My understanding at this point is that the virus evolved naturally and jumped from bats to humans, possibly via an intermediate host. There seem to be lots of scientist whose research results support that scenario.

We may never know for certain. If the virus did escape from a lab, only the Chinese might know and, if they do, they'll do their damndest to not let anyone else find out. But it may not have escaped from a lab, let's not forget that.

Finger pointing and blaming will help no-one here. The genie is out of the bottle now, and nothing will put it back. Very quietly, I have no doubt, quite a lot of biological research institutions (and not only in China) will be reviewing their procedures to make sure that no virus escapes from their lab.
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Lots of knowledge here so....
I believe it was man made for a purpose. Now the question.
This is an m-rna virus?
Has there ever been a vaccine made for an m-rna virus? I have been told there has never been.
Exactly what is happening now.
I am open to maybe it got out by accident but why make it unless you are going to use it.
On a happier note i am about to torment the neighborhood with the smell of pork belly and hickory smoke.
It seems far from established at this point that the virus "was made". Even assuming that it was, to what end?

To make China the leading world power. After some initial incompetence they cracked down and contained the virus. Meanwhile, other nations with incompetent leadership have struggled to even acknowledge the virus, and may be hobbled by it for months to come.

Oh, sorry. The point was that China did it on purpose? I was just saying what would probably happen, regardless of the origins of the virus. I’m not going to pay attention to any posts on KKF about its origins until the media starts reporting en masse about a particular study or conclusion. The b*llsh*t probability index of articles with sensational claims about a subject that everyone in the world cares about, but which haven’t been picked up by other media outlets, is quite high. Same goes for extrapolation by non-expert KKF members. If it turns out that I miss out on being one of the first to hear about the real origin story while waiting for confirmation by multiple news sources, so be it.

That said, it wasn’t my intention to suppress a discussion that others find interesting. So, carry on!
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I have to say that I'm worried about the consequence of all the protests over the past ten days or so. These could turn out to be very expensive protests, indeed. I guess we'll find out starting around 15 June or so. I really, really hope that this isn't going to cause a huge spike :(
This is reasearch carried out by Australians...

In other words, the Covid-19 virus FOUND IN WUHAN WT MARKET is BETTER at infecting humans than ANY OTHER HOST SPECIES...

That's not "typically" how evolution works. The statitstical odds are prohibitive and situation is unprecedented. This is why the China CDC publicly relented and admitted defeat for their wet market theory.

i knew it was a bioweapon that escaped from the first time i saw the indians plotting out the genetic code. and that happened about 2 weeks in or so. they showed where the "mods" were and where they came from (sars/hiv etc). and then it was 100% clear this was man made from the start. because that would never ever ever happen in nature. ever. it has not happened in 4.5 billion years but now its suddenly does. yeah, my ass.

show me the ****ing animal it came from then!! gotta be thousands of these right. but nooo. no one can point us in this direction because no such animal exists, or ever will exist.

and what a ****ing coincidence it just happened to show up outsides chinas only BSL4 lab. what a ****ing coincidence. my oh my. yeah really gotta be some ****ing sherlock holmes to figure out how the **** this really went down :) or poirot maybe.

i think what happened is this: random chinese hack in a lab accidentally sticks a needle in himself with one of the 1-10000 different new bioweapon viruses that they are synthesizing. - hmm better shut the **** up about this one. and i mean its only the flue with some hiv and sars components right, what could possibly go wrong... yeah i'm not gonna tell anyone. its really nothing. nothing but a scratch. if i say this happened they will just take me out back and shoot me in the back of the head and send the bill to my familiy for the bullet. dont want that ****. i'll take my chances. **** the world!

and the only reason all the "scientists" are shutting the **** up about it and denying its man made (and they know this goddamn well) is because they are all working on similar ****. thats all they do all day long. and they dont want to hear the outcry/riots when people find out what they are really doing all day long. yeah they are afraid of losing their jobs by creating **** that can kill the world. and they know it. and if this came to public knowledge they know they would all be burned at the stake for the ****ing crimes against humanity they have commited. (and rightfully so)

thats how it really works.
thats how it really works wheter you believe it or not. unfortunately. pangolins, bats, yeah right. you gotta be below 80 iq to believe that ****, but i'm above 120 so guess the propaganda works slightly worse then.

i can connect the dots myself. and color aaaaall the areas. i have all the data.

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