Small plate Sautéd Greens

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Feb 27, 2015
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Gently sauté a little garlic and red pepper flakes in oil, add some kale and a splash of water. Salt as you go. Let it reduce in volume, maybe three minutes. Add some spinach and give that another three. Finely dice the rind only of a quarter of a preserved lemon and toss it in for the last 30 seconds just before you serve it up. You’re going for just cooked greens with texture here, not mushy spinach

Ps- preserved lemons are way better home made than store bought. Serious eats has an exhaustive article about a two minute technique to make them. Author got paid by the word!

Pps- lemons are optional. Mixing the greens and preserving some texture is the core of the recipe
Nice I will hae to gie it a try. I am not much on kale but I like spinach. The kale kind of needs to be hidden from me.

I like most greens and if you jump to collard greens, mustard greens, turnips greens, or beet greens I like to add salt and pepper juice to the greens for eating. It is the way I grew up eating greens.
Pepper juice is vinegar with small chili petins soaked in it.