sharpening a STEELPORT ??

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Jan 30, 2018
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Any recommendations for sharpening a STEELPORT chefs knife & paring knife?

I'm a system sharpener, so specific DPS is OK. Grit progression?


FYI 52100 steel
For general touchup, I use a 1200-1500 ceramic rod.
For occasional sharpenings, I start with a 1500 shapton pro, and then finish with a 4000 shapton glass which is totally optional.
Seems to be such a nice product and steel, i don't think you can go wrong. Just don't go too coarse. Easy to over do/ harder to fix!

I am a system sharpener, I use several systems (TSProf, WickedEdge, Tormek, etc). So getting a precise and easily repeatable DPS is pretty easy. I try to keep records of each knife so repeated sharpening at the same specs removes very minimal steel. The trick comes with convexed edges, that is a little more complex.
Seems to be such a nice product and steel, i don't think you can go wrong. Just don't go too coarse. Easy to over do/ harder to fix!
Re Nice product: 100% AGREED. I have many western knives (many vintage) and this is becoming my favorite. The heat treat on the 52100 is superior and the edge retention is great (beats out my carbon steel Kramers).

The sculptured handle shape is great in my hand too.

It retains its western "thick" features as distinguished from the thinner Asian style Gyutos. Sometimes I like the extra heft.