Some shigenobu history from a mercari listing ; I think it fits here better than the web list blog
This is an eel knife from Shigenobu Knife Shop.
This is a swordsmith shop that has been around since the Muromachi period.
There is also a record of a Shida swordsmith named Shigenobu in the Tenpo 13th year Fujieda-juku Ezu (present-day Shida district, Fujieda City, Shizuoka Prefecture).
Real name: Shigenobu Suzuki; signature: Shigenobu Minamoto; appointed by Tokugawa Ieyasu as official blacksmith in 19th year of Keicho era
During the Edo period and Keicho period, the name Shigenobu was already passed down from generation to generation.
In the Meiji period, the Sword Abolition Order was issued and the swordsmith passed away, but the technique was passed down as a knifesmith to Mr. Ichiro Suzuki, the owner of Shigenobu Knife Shop.
He was the last successor.
This eel knife is the work of the late Mr. Ichiro Suzuki.
(This has been confirmed by meeting with the descendants)
Each knife is made by hand and seems to be made to order, so this eel knife has not yet undergone the cutting process.
This item was given to me by my late grandfather, who had a few left.
I hope you can sharpen it and use it with a blade if you like.
It looks great as it is, so I put it in a frame and displayed it as a work of art, but I will give it to someone who likes it.
天保十三年藤枝宿絵図(現 静岡県藤枝市志田地区)にも重信の名の志田刀鍛冶の記録が残っています。
本名 鈴木重信 銘は源重信 慶長十九年に徳川家康より公儀御用鍛冶を拝命
江戸期 慶長年間には既に重信の名を代々襲名。
明治時代に入り廃刀令が発令され刀鍛冶は亡くなってしまいましたがその技術は刃物鍛冶として重信刃物店 店主 鈴木一郎氏に受け継がれていましたが
此方のうなぎ包丁は 故 鈴木一郎氏の作品です。
全長 中子から切先まで305㎜
幅 45㎜
■状態 古い物の為、全体的に薄いサビが御座います。
発送はメルカリ 宅急便送料込みにてお送り致します。
大切にして頂ける方へお願い致しますm(_ _)m