Yes, you can find some really high quality stones on the auctions, but the clearly high-quality Maruka tend to go for big money there too and you always run the risk of counterfeit stamps. At least with these you know you're getting legit, high quality Nakayama w/ authentic stamps. CKC isnt going to get rich off these either, knowing where prices are now vs 3-4 years ago, I wouldn't be surprised if CKC is getting a similar return per-stone profit but at a much lower margin.Ehhh yeah. Looks like 30-50% higher than can be found on yahoo japan, especially for the full size stones. Some nice ones in there though
$2700 is an eye watering sum, even for those of us who are well anesthetized to the price tags associated with fancy jnats... But hey, this stone here is as good as ultra-fine stones get. If someone wanted to skip buying a half dozen nice stones finding just the right one and wanted to "buy once cry once" this would be the answer IMO
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