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Hmm $110 might be a challenge, but with unlimited sashimi, who knows...

You bring up a valid topic though, while I obviously won't put chocolate cake next to some tuna I have struggled with this here and there, especially at Asian teppanyaki venues where you walk past a 'station' to have something prepared.
Been to places where you literally get a plate with a sea bass filet and a dozen scallops on it and nothing else. It's not a dish that you eat, it's just ingredients.
Scooping up a spoon of fried rice is fine, but gets old quickly...
The chocolate cake could be made into some kinda mole, which works with the porchetta, ...but, I'd be stumped at what to do with the ahi poke. ...poke empanadas?
Tacos, maybe.
Supplemented with the sort of salsa that could get a visit from the nuclear watchdogs.
Folks who leave cart sideways blocking while waiting for more free samples at Costco. Leaving carts all over parking lot instead walking a little ways to cart bin.

Our Costco in Honolulu is considered busiest in the USA. We park far away & walk. Don't mind walking. Folks who need to be close to the store cause traffic jams waiting for people to unload food in carts.
I've always thought of the cart return as a proxy indicator for one's level of selfishness or one's willingness to DTRT when nobody is watching. People who don't return their cart are selfish ******** who prioritize their own convenience even in low stakes situations.

Yep. There they go, messing everything up again.
Or Boomers walking aimlessly and slowly, not caring that others have **** to do.
That’s ageist. I find that people of all ages block other people by deciding to have a conversation at a choke point or by walking slowly.

My ageist contribution: teenagers ambling five abreast through a shopping mall, filling the entire width of the available walking space.
That’s ageist. I find that people of all ages block other people by deciding to have a conversation at a choke point or by walking slowly.

My ageist contribution: teenagers ambling five abreast through a shopping mall, filling the entire width of the available walking space.
I just walk through them, stupid kids! *Waves fist at cloud! even though age wise I'm borderline a millennial*
That’s ageist. I find that people of all ages block other people by deciding to have a conversation at a choke point or by walking slowly.

My ageist contribution: teenagers ambling five abreast through a shopping mall, filling the entire width of the available walking space.
Teenagers still go to shopping malls??? Anyone goes to malls???
Its cold but I’m still grilling. I observed I never put on a coat to tend to the grill but was wondering if such a weather condition could exist to make me don a jacket to go out for 5 mins to tend the grill.


At least not when its warm enough for propane to burn. The grill requires the same attire as opening the fridge.

10F the last few evenings (-12C), and grilling with no coat, no gloves, no hat, and slip on shoes. All good. This seems oddly ok.
Its cold but I’m still grilling. I observed I never put on a coat to tend to the grill but was wondering if such a weather condition could exist to make me don a jacket to go out for 5 mins to tend the grill.


At least not when its warm enough for propane to burn. The grill requires the same attire as opening the fridge.

10F the last few evenings (-12C), and grilling with no coat, no gloves, no hat, and slip on shoes. All good. This seems oddly ok.
I am a winter weather wimp. I wear a coat cooking inside in the winter.
It’s funny because the same old people are everywhere of course, and only at Costco do they do this. At the grocery store, nope, they shop with purpose. The exceptions are the slow Subaru-driving ones who have no need to be on the road during school drop off times and clearly are just aimlessly driving.
School pickup/drop off lines need to be time gated. I get that life happens and people are late, but my better half’s mom lives next to a school. An hour before schools out, cars start lining up. The line gets so long they start blocking the main road that goes near it. Somehow the cops are perfectly fine with this, even though it’s a pretty big hazard if you aren’t from the area and familiar with it and come screeching to a halt as you end up coming around a corner and behind a 20 car line from 40 mph.

I don’t know what a better solution is, but people blocking traffic for 30-45 minutes isn’t it. Maybe have 10-15 cars per time slot and assign slots to parents that are randomized every week and doled out in month segments so people can pre plan schedules, then tell them they have 5-10 minutes to drop their kid off or they have to sign them in as late.
It's new culture I can see dropping off elementary school kids. When I was little
had to walk pretty far to get off dirt & gravel roads to main road. I can still remember bunch of rowdy kids in yellow school bus. Good times. Makes me think of Clint Eastwood first Dirty Harry movie.

For some reason some school bus routes have been canceled in Hawaii. Don't know about other places. Walking around Punchbowl crater at times when school gets out see middle & high-school students walking for miles back home many live in our valley.
I've always thought of the cart return as a proxy indicator for one's level of selfishness or one's willingness to DTRT when nobody is watching. People who don't return their cart are selfish ******** who prioritize their own convenience even in low stakes situations.
volume warning its kinda loud
School pickup/drop off lines need to be time gated. I get that life happens and people are late, but my better half’s mom lives next to a school. An hour before schools out, cars start lining up. The line gets so long they start blocking the main road that goes near it. Somehow the cops are perfectly fine with this, even though it’s a pretty big hazard if you aren’t from the area and familiar with it and come screeching to a halt as you end up coming around a corner and behind a 20 car line from 40 mph.

I don’t know what a better solution is, but people blocking traffic for 30-45 minutes isn’t it. Maybe have 10-15 cars per time slot and assign slots to parents that are randomized every week and doled out in month segments so people can pre plan schedules, then tell them they have 5-10 minutes to drop their kid off or they have to sign them in as late.
Sometimes arriving early is the only practical option for people who combine errands with school pickup. Imo engineering is the answer: add a lane to the right of sufficient length to accommodate the waiting cars.

The problem I surmise is that curvy roads mean terrain, and it might be expensive or otherwise difficult to build such a roadwork (e.g. the road is lined with houses.)
I am a winter weather wimp.
I can just hear Frank or Bing crooning that to a bouncy tune.

Or Wizard of Oz!

🎵 I don’t like it when it’s snowing
I wear armor when it’s blowing
I’m a winter weather wimp

I see others dressed for summer
when the mercury’s a bummer
I’m a winter weather wimp! 🎵
Sometimes arriving early is the only practical option for people who combine errands with school pickup. Imo engineering is the answer: add a lane to the right of sufficient length to accommodate the waiting cars.

The problem I surmise is that curvy roads mean terrain, and it might be expensive or otherwise difficult to build such a roadwork (e.g. the road is lined with houses.)

Of coarse that's the case here. One middle school is same one way road also freeway on ramp. Most schools are residential two lane roads with parked cars on one side. The elementary school is on Pauoa Road heading into Pauoa valley. During school drop off & pick up detour to upper narrow street. Cars park one side only room for one car oncoming
must pull over to let other car go through. It's same on our upper street high up in valley one car pull over to let other through. Of coarse most all drivers yeld it's just common curtesy.