I’m a fan of carbon steel. Seasoning it is many four letter words though. Prefer field cast iron nowadays. Similarish weight, takes seasoning much better and feels like an actual premium kitchen product instead of a potential weapon against home invaders.
I will gladly buy yours. The damn thing is built like an ez bake oven so I don’t expect mine to live more than a year or so longer but ******* it is one of the most incredible ovens I’ve usedgonna add the apo oven to the list. View attachment 382556
Control freak is incredible. Best use of money I’ve ever spent in the kitchen. I’d get a second if my kitchen wasn’t so tiny and American kitchens weren’t generally designed to run a toaster and nothing else so it could support the electrical demand. Using the control freak and the APO above 400 simultaneously already trips the breakerI had bought a grain mill back when I went down the bread rabbit hole. Oh and a sifter too. After several failed recipes they both collect dust and are constantly calling to me to give them another shot at the spotlight.
On the flip side, my two favorite things for cooking that have more than justified their cost/space besides my knives are my control freak and my chamber vacuum sealer.