One word: Recession.
They pay me to do it, and the hours are good(at my current job).
I started a business in '08, which was a TERRIBLE time to start it, but I figured I could at least get by until '11, but that didn't pan out because I had to move and had a baby. I got a job at a sushi bar, where I was mislead about how much I would be making. I made crap for pay, and worked 65 hours a week, which were the choicest hours to make your life as dull as possible. I woke up at 9:30, left for work in a hurry, worked until 9:30 pm, got home at 10, ate dinner, went to bed. Every day but Tuesday for a year. The year flew by, and I realized one day that I missed my daughter's first year almost entirely. It was, and is, my first and only regret in life. I will never jeopardize time with my family for any job or pay. I would rather be poor than miss my children's lives.
I think cooks are crazy underpaid, and don't get nearly the time off they deserve. They work all the hours when everyone wants to be enjoying a meal, are responsible for producing something we put INSIDE OUR BODIES and don't deserve to get minimal treatment like some kind of office or factory worker.