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Culinary Class Wars on Netflix has been super popular (highly recommended btw). He name drops Yoshikane so maybe they will become scarce. He definitely shows some serious knife skills in the show, but of course this is a more fluffy thing.

Funny how in the beginning he appears to be demonstrating how to use a pinch grip, but then uses all different kinds of grips while cutting - index finger along the spine, hammer, etc. Not a criticism as I tend do the same without realizing it depending on the task.
Funny how in the beginning he appears to be demonstrating how to use a pinch grip, but then uses all different kinds of grips while cutting - index finger along the spine, hammer, etc. Not a criticism as I tend do the same without realizing it depending on the task.
Yeah, he says at the beginning to hold in a pinch grip, then proceeds to not use the pinch grip not one single time. SMH
I was fascinated to learn the Japanese treat beef tongue much like they do yakitori. Don't know what I get watching more than a few of these vids \ shorts but there really is satisfaction watching how they just finesse it
Easy to be fast when you basically cut off half the fruit... ;)