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  1. S

    To be honest, Kato knife's Kanji is like wrriten by a 5 year old kid.

    Been away from KKF for a while but here are my two bits and one and a half cents: There are differences between calligraphy as art and calligraphy as applied art. I'm not informed nor educated sufficiently in Chinese nor Japanese to judge Kanji calligraphy as art though I have seen and...
  2. S

    Stefan's Some handles available

    Stefan please check your PM.
  3. S

    photography forums

    APUG (Analog Photography Users Group). If you're using film, this.
  4. S

    Movie Junkies

    Agree with most of what's listed here. Would add: Michael Haneke (especially for White Ribbon, Amour, Piano Teacher), and Terry Jones for the Monty Python films. My local cinema is screening Life of Brian tonight for Good Friday. For Herzog I'll add Cave of Forgotten Dreams (probably one of...
  5. S

    Deburring on cork

    Thanks y'all. I usually do deburr at every stone step but I guess I must not have done this well enough, thinking I can clean up properly at the final stage. So I'll try deburring better after every grit step. I'll also watch Jon's video again. (Thanks Jon, your vids are really such great...
  6. S

    Deburring on cork

    I have to mention that the burr that comes up after deburring on cork is a surprisingly large one, something like a thick wire edge.
  7. S

    Deburring on cork

    OK thanks guys. Back to the drawing . . . stone. I still don't understand how deburring on cork would reveal an existing burr as Benuser said though. Isn't this process supposed to get rid of the burr? Could my problem be, as Schanop suggested, too thin/weak an edge that gets degraded...
  8. S

    Deburring on cork

    What am I doing wrong? After sharpening, finishing up with Rika 5000, careful checking for burrs (by touch and with a loupe), further touch up if I see a wire edge or burr, strop on plain leather, and then on a couple of occasions for good measure I deburr on a wine cork as well. And after...
  9. S

    Tojiro DP or Kagayaki CarboNext?

    Thanks for replies. I have already recommended the Tojiro DP to a friend in Sydney. And yes, Schanop, also mentioned Knives & Stones. My reservation about the Tojiro was that some observations pointed to the VG10 being a bit difficult to sharpen. Benuser, I've also noticed the Kagayaki...
  10. S

    Tojiro DP or Kagayaki CarboNext?

    In the past I've suggested the Hiromoto AS to friends who wanted to move on from their German stainless knives. This also involved my thinning their new knives slightly when they got them. Now that Nagao-san is no longer making these I wonder what some of you might recommend. I thought of the...
  11. S

    Von blewitts Knives & gear

    For me, having met you and eaten at your restaurant Zanzibar, what's even more wonderful about your knives Huw is that they're not just a beautiful collection. Far from bling it's great what you do with them in your food prep and chef wizardry! As some others have mentioned I too would love...
  12. S

    Fish head prep for stock

    Boom, it's more an issue of safety. I buy a whole fish and I can fillet it well enough but when I try to split the head for stock I had no idea how to do this well and my deba would slip dangerously. Also, the way I was doing it was just plain messy. Mark, my deba is the FKM as per Chanop's...
  13. S

    Fish head prep for stock

    Thanks for all the replies. I've been approaching the wrong way, from the top of the head trying to cleave the hard 'cranium' first. Dangerous (!) as the deba slips easily. I'll try it next time standing the head on its neck and as Schanop and Morimoto has shown, starting from the mouth...
  14. S

    Chinese fried rice..

    I like the dancing rice bit! It's all about high heat and keeping it light and fluffy. Xoo, I'll have a go at the tomato and egg combo. Thanks. Oh, and Chinese sausage (Larp Cheong) is also great with fried rice. But my favourite ingredient for this is crab meat and prawns.
  15. S

    Fish head prep for stock

    By "collar" do you mean the part that's just below the gill flaps? I usually fillet it from just after the head, leaving just the bones and the head, so no "collar" if that's what you mean.