Why Paula Deen should be banned

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Feb 28, 2011
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Here is the real reason why Paula Deen should have all of her empire dismantled. This recipe is reason enough:

Southern Baked Beans

1 large onion, diced
2 (16-ounce) cans pork and beans
3 tablespoons prepared yellow mustard
1/4 cup maple syrup
1/4 cup light brown sugar
4 tablespoons ketchup
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1/2 pound bacon strips, cut into 1/2-inch pieces
It's amazing what nonsense recipes people can come up with when they're tanked.
It's amazing what nonsense recipes people can come up with when they're tanked.
Dude, I've done some of my best cooking when I'm tanked...It's the prep that's a b'ch!:beer:
Here is the real reason why Paula Deen should have all of her empire dismantled. This recipe is reason enough:

Southern Baked Beans

1 large onion, diced
2 (16-ounce) cans pork and beans
3 tablespoons prepared yellow mustard
1/4 cup maple syrup
1/4 cup light brown sugar
4 tablespoons ketchup
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1/2 pound bacon strips, cut into 1/2-inch pieces
Yeah! I'm mean really who the hell puts lemon juice in baked beans? should be banned for life.
And I hear people ***** about Ray-Ray for using the microwave. Why is she (Paula) even listened to anyways?
Weeeellllll....that's pretty close to how I learned to make baked beans. Other than the lemon juice. Some of the proportions are different, but the ingredients were pretty much the same. Canned beans, ketchup, mustard, a little onion (grated or juice/powder, not raw chunks), brown sugar, and bacon strips on top. Washed down with sweet tea.
Like the new avatar Lucretia!

(Still dont like the beans.)
I can't handle her very well either. And I can't handle all that sugar in this food either - why do beans need sugar plus syrup plus sweet ketchup? For Europeans, still one of the mysteries of American 'home cooking'.

See, you just aren't getting the full effect of the menu. Add a bbq chicken--make the bbq sauce by mixing a can of coca-cola with a bottle of ketchup. And a couple casseroles--one with cream of mushroom soup and a bunch of shredded velveeta (and lots of salt, of course!) topped with crumbled saltine crackers, the other with cream of mushroom soup, salt, & topped with canned fried onions (vegetables optional in these casseroles--and used canned or frozen--never fresh.) A big mess of potato salad. And at least a couple of deserts--since it's summer, ambrosia salad & pistachio salad are good. And they have marshmallows and Cool Whip in them! Alcohol is optional depending on whether you have your teetotaling friends over for dinner. If it's just your teetotaling family, you all know that the others drink, so pack that ice chest with as much of the cheapest canned beer you can fit in it. (Anyone remember "generic beer"? Do they still make it?) Make a bunch of sweet tea--remember, you have to add the sugar when it's hot, otherwise you can't get enough sugar to dissolve. Eat until you have to unbutton your pants. Then unbutton your pants and eat some more.

Lemon juice for acidity...makes sense to me; although I'd go with Apple cider vinegar myself, but you'd have to reduce it down to get the same bight as a splash of lemon.
I can't handle her very well either. And I can't handle all that sugar in this food either - why do beans need sugar plus syrup plus sweet ketchup? For Europeans, still one of the mysteries of American 'home cooking'.

also why use cans of bacon beans then add more bacon?
hahaha..she starts with pork and beans!

i wouldnt waste the bacon and go straight to the SPAM option..cubed of course.
Nothin wrong with dressin up some canned beans. I used to make from scratch. I liked them. No one else seemed to care much. More like, "wow very nice, can you pass me the ribs and chicken? More of that pork butt please"
I can't handle her very well either. And I can't handle all that sugar in this food either - why do beans need sugar plus syrup plus sweet ketchup? For Europeans, still one of the mysteries of American 'home cooking'.

I've had to fight this add sugar to everything nonsense at a lot of jobs. Good ole dirty south.
All this talk of sugar-laden Southern food has given me a craving for bourbon-laced sweet potato casserole with a cruncy pecan topping.

Sometimes sweet isn't a bad thing.
Who hasn't doctored a can of beans? But you gotta start with Bushs Green Can or its not worth doing.

And I admire Paula Dean. How many 60 yr old, overweight prostitutes, make a good living? What a country. :cool2:
You want a challenge. Try to find anything without High fructose syrup, or any of the fructose family sugars. Even the diet crap has it in it.

Why can't anyone just learn how to make beans first??
at work we had a totally decent tartar sauce recipe i developed for our fried seafood dishes. ofcourse the chef added 4 cups of corn syrup to it. then i waited a week, tore out the recipe, and rewrote it. ha ha
Alcohol is optional depending on whether you have your teetotaling friends over for dinner. If it's just your teetotaling family, you all know that the others drink, so pack that ice chest with as much of the cheapest canned beer you can fit in it. (Anyone remember "generic beer"? Do they still make it?) Make a bunch of sweet tea--remember, you have to add the sugar when it's hot, otherwise you can't get enough sugar to dissolve. Eat until you have to unbutton your pants. Then unbutton your pants and eat some more.

here you go

You want a challenge. Try to find anything without High fructose syrup, or any of the fructose family sugars.

You said it brother. Ever read any of Michael Pollan's books? In particular The Omnivore's Dilemma? Forever changed the way I approach food shopping.