Stefan's Some new handles

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Das HandleMeister
Founding Member
Feb 28, 2011
Reaction score
Haven't posted any handle pics in a while, here are a few new ones, just quick snapshots with sub-optimal lighting. They are a bit darker in reality.


Koa, marbled horn, fiber spacers

P1020499 by mgapicius, on Flickr

Redwood, horn, lapis spacers

P1020501 by mgapicius, on Flickr

snakewood, spalted signature

P1020505 by mgapicius, on Flickr

Cooke pine, nickel silver, koa

P1020508 by mgapicius, on Flickr

Horn, M3, kauri

P1020510 by mgapicius, on Flickr

Amboyna, spalted hickory

P1020514 by mgapicius, on Flickr

2 x horn, Cooke pine

P1020516 by mgapicius, on Flickr

red bakelite, blackwood, mammoth tooth endcap

P1020518 by mgapicius, on Flickr

Marbled horn, amboyna

P1020520 by mgapicius, on Flickr

horn, double brass spacer, red dyed maple burl, mammoth tooth endcap

P1020522 by mgapicius, on Flickr

koa, brass-horn-brass spacer, black ash burl

P1020524 by mgapicius, on Flickr

Marbled horn, M3, acrylic

P1020526 by mgapicius, on Flickr
Did you take a hike on the Nu'uanu Judd trail and cut that Cook pine?
WOW Nice :thumbsup::thumbsup:

Will the Amboyna, spalted hickory be a good match for my small yanagi blade that is at Dave place waiting for a handle? :scratchhead:
Just to clarify, were these made to order, or are they available?

Nice looking work, as always Stefan. That's a nice piece of spalted signature you came up with for that handle.
You have gigantic cajones to be grinding at these kind of materials all day. I'd lose water weight from all the nervous sweating.
Thanks guys. Still waiting for more of that signature wood in this quality to come in. Ken, the hickory handle is an order, but we could see if the signature handle works - or the ironwood one I had shown you.

Most of these are orders. The ones that are available are the two koa handles, the large amboyna handle, and one of the pair of Cooke pine handles - not yet sure which one, we'll have to check which one works best for the knife it was ordered for. I have a few more finished that are free, and a few more will be finished soon. Right now my problem is that I don't have a car to get to the shop, still waiting for a new computer to be flown in for the crappy Sebring.:angry1: If I get the next weekend in the shop, I should have a few more and will update my 'available handles' info. I have a few more black ones similar to the one above, all with mammoth tooth endcap but it can be a correspondingly colored bakelite spacer or endcap.

O.k., since I got a few questions:

- the first koa handle would be a great match for a 165-180 deba, also would work for a 200-210 gyuto but it is a bit stubby and not for a very anorectic knife.
- second koa handle with ns spacer is nice and slim, 159mm length, matches a 330 yanagi/fuguhiki; koa is curly but a bit on the wild and natural side, not regularly striped koa
- the marbled horn and amboyna handle is large, 159mm long, 22x26mm at the tip. for a 300mm wa gyuto? Maybe even for one of Nathan's knives ;) One of the nicest red-gold amboyna pieces I have worked with

Thanks guys. Still waiting for more of that signature wood in this quality to come in.
Ken, the hickory handle is an order, but we could see if the signature handle works - or the ironwood one I had shown you.

OK thanks - staying with the Ironwood handle :thumbsup:
Stunning work as usual... nice to see some bakelite in the mix.
I took a few pics of this one just before I shipped it out. Used the most expensive piece of wood I ever bought for this handle. I hope DC doesn't find this thread ;) Handle goes to a Polish chef who works in Japan for a 360 custom yanagi. It has this one sapwood spot, and I wasn't sure whether to think of it as a flaw or an asset. I decided to call it character... Last picture is next to my 5.8 sun nakiri.


P1020670 by mgapicius, on Flickr

P1020665 by mgapicius, on Flickr

P1020674 by mgapicius, on Flickr
Nice Stefan! Is that coming here?

Nope, that went to Japan. The buyer has a knife maker - and I don't know who it is but I will ask again - making a blade for him. The maker wanted the handle first so that he can match the tang to it. That should be interesting... I just hope it isn't too bulky. It's a long blade and the buyer is a bigger guy, so I hope for the best.
That sap wood is just excellent! Really good call making use of it! Really sweet piece of work!
It's a great piece of ironwood burl. That wood just has become pretty pricey in the past few years, and I needed a slightly oversized block for this one. Oh, tip and ferrule are koa.

Hey Stefan.

Just wanted to see how things were going in the shop. Hope all is well and here's to a happy new year!
Thanks Brian, same to you. Things are going slow as usual, but I just got some wood I had been waiting for, so I am back in business, now. I have actually just offered a currently unemployed friend in Germany that I would fly him into Honolulu and give him my guest room if he helps me out in the shop for 2 weeks, just to catch up and move forward. Haven't heard back from him, yet... I had a few people here who said they wanted to help me, but they are all academics or students and seem to have either 2 left hands or a very low commitment to manual labor ;)

Stefan, if I wasnt employed, I would so be pretending to be from Germany right now. Scary thing is I am not sure what I would enjoy more, being in Honolulu or making the handles. Ah...being in Honolulu making handles, life is just good.

I'd love to start my next season with a new sexy handle on my Tanaka. lol :D
Hi Rick, when does your season start? Anyway, working on it this weekend...

Here are a few new ones, all 4 for the same customer:

This last one is a bit embarrassing - someone wanted that but I forgot who and can't seem to find my notes, maybe I deleted the wrong PMs... So, if you are the one, please let me know..:sofa:

Wow, these are really incredible. I keep looking at them saying, "no I like this one the best, no this one, no it's this one." There's some crazy 3d holograph going on in the 1st one that I just know the camera doesn't do justice. The second one seems like it's has sort of an imperial dynasty design. The white with black and gold looking swirls is just crazy. Something about those white ones, just clean and classy looking.

Can't believe I'm getting closer now too!! :D Do you have all the materials picked out? I wanna look but I don't wanna spoil the surprise! I go back in a couple of weeks, so it's enough time for me to send it to Dave, have it done and returned before I really "need" it. I have my sujihiki to slice with if need be so no biggie.

And whoever the lucky owner of the last handle is, hurry up and claim it before it ends up on a wa gyuto round here :p
The set of four was mostly based on the customer's ideas and a little input from me. I was not totally sure about them when I started, worried that the white might be too easy to show dirt etc. But I have to admit, I really like them now that the are done. Strange materials, some of them.The first one is acrylic with brass and copper, really interesting.

Rick, all pieces are cut and drilled, I just have to stick it together. I can show it to you this weekend before I glue it, but it's pretty much like on my order list.

Pretty wild Stefan. The fourth one down is my favorite of this bunch. Looks like it belongs on an ancient Roman short sword.

The white does have an "imperial" look to it (that's what made me think of ancient Rome). What is the white material?