A Reasonable Priced Knife To Cut A Roast

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Aug 20, 2014
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I’m looking for a good, but reasonable priced knife to make thin slices when cutting roast beef. I don’t really want to spend more than $50 on a knife. A few recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

Victorinox 12" is the first thing that comes to mind.

If you up your budget to $100, you do get more options to choose from. Fujiwara FKM 270mm is a solid buy.
+1 on the Victorinox 12"

It's thin, cuts well, and is HUGE "bang for the buck".
Thank you everyone. Its been a huge help. I'm going to go with the Victorinox 12" carving knife.

I just bought a 10" Rosewood chef as a gift for an acquaintance who will appreciate it. I was quite amazed to see that the thickness behind the edge was a respectable .010" for most of the blade. It could use more of a distil taper toward the tip though, but you'd expect a little excess heft here from what sees much use as a house-knife in many pro kitchens. Steel is typical German alloy I believe and by the ring it gives off I'd say it's the same 58rc or so as most other Germans.
