Bernal Cutlery

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GoogleFu San
Founding Member
Feb 28, 2011
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[/IMG]Nice shop in San Francisco with pre WW2 Sabatier's and vintage knifes .
Just learned of this place and Town Cutler (here) recently. Will have to visit them soon. Looks like this place carries a few familiar names and will soon stock some of Murray's knives.
Just bought a 12" Sab there (looks like the second photo) this past weekend. Gorgeous piece of pre-WWII steel. And Josh Donald is a really nice guy. Highly recommended if you're in the area.
Town Cutler is a matter of a few blocks from my grandmother's house. Bernal is a bit more out of the way, but I'll make the effort one of these days.
Two nice guys doing knife business in San Francisco. glad to see that they still show a history at both shops.
The vendors here have most of my money at this point, but maybe I can afford a spoon (can't remember which of these two shops had the big selection of vintage spoons). Cheap sharpening classes too, but I think I'll just suck it up and drive down to LA and see Jon for that.
That would be Town cutler for the spoons
and Jon at JKI would be worth the trip .