Bios? Bios? anyone?....Bios?

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Original Knerd of Knives
Feb 28, 2012
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As I'm new here, I would love to know more about what some of you guys do. Some people have decent ones on their profile pages. Some people are shrouded in mystery. If that's how you like it, at least make up a decent story. Or if this thread has been done before, could someone point me in the right direction.
I'll tell you all about my glamorous life in the foodservice industry later. I haven't had nearly enough to drink yet.
thx, knerd
I'd tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.
I started as a dishwasher in a Ma and Pa greasy spoon, after 6 years and a handful of promotions I began traveling around the states working short stints in either restaurants or corporate IT (depending on the region's job market and whichever I was less tired of); 7 years ago I returned to the same Ma and Pa greasy spoon where I'm now employed as the Sous Chef to the owner/operator. I enjoy long walks in National Parks, video games, mountain biking, roughhousing with my dog, and playing Legos while drinking cheap wine with my kickass girlfriend.
sorry witness protection program . here a nice picture of me with friends.
An almost 50-year old who never made it out of school and still likes to play with wood blocks.

I work 3rd shift doing Security and have a business making custom fishing rods. The knives are more of a hobby/addiction for me and I love to cook. When I was in college, I used to cook a lot since the cafeteria food really sucked. I had an on campus apartment between 2 all girls apartments and right next to an all girls dorm. My neighbors got in to a bidding war for me to cook dinner for them and their boyfriends since they couldn't cook much more than Kraft Mac and Cheese. It got to $50 a plate before I stopped the bidding. I told them I would teach them to cook for nothing, but they didn't want to put the time or effort into it. I would invite my friends over instead for dinner and cook a big meal for them, and the girls were stuck trying to cook for their boyfriends. I had people stopping by the apartment to get recipes because they would smell my food on their way to and from classes. I got the nickname "Emeril".
Glaswegian ex-pat, living in Melbourne, working in kitchens as a 2nd year apprentice. Always enjoyed food but never really appreciated it until I moved over to Oz when I was 21. Never been particularly academic and don't really have the patience to study full-time so starting my chefs apprenticeship seemed like a logical way to go, and thankfully, I haven't looked back.
Started as a computer engineering major at UCF in Orlando. Found I cannot sit still that damn long, so went back to college in Charleston SC for economics. While doing that I needed a job and my neighbor was a Sous at a huge resort called Wild Dunes. Started in a kitchen there, took a break and got into home theater/car stereo and automation stuff. That industry died with ebay, and big box stores.

Went to culinary school since working in a kitchen was the most fun I ever had in a job and I just love food(look at my waist size). Graduated culinary school went to Charleston SC again and worked at Blossom/Magnolias/Cypress, and Bocci's as a second job. Got the opportunity to come back to Charlotte to go to CPCC's baking and pastry program under Chef Blount (certified badass). While doing that I worked at a start up here that was great when we opened, all local and great menu. Now finishing up the baking and pastry program with 2 classes and taking a exec pastry chef job at another new place.

Long wall of text but that is how it has worked out at this point.
I am a full time tattoo artist, and a semi full time knife maker. I have 2 awesome kids and a great wife. I am new into the cooking thing(year), pretty new to the knife thing, but it has quickly become a passion again. I quit making knives in early 2007 and picked it back up again in the middle of 2010. I love to eat, so it is natural i love learning to cook. Aside from all of this, i paint, sculpt, carve, airbrush...pretty much anything artistic i can get my hands into...
I always heard that due to their habit of cancelling mandatory classes, UCF stands for "U Can't Finish".

This is very true. I had a psych class and an english 200 level class cancelled thus I did not meet the full time status and almost lost my scholarship so I took dumb study and goals classes.
I'm gonna do that too, as soon as I get around to it.
Was always reasonably good at school and spent 4 years at University doing an MSc studying to be a planner. Whilst there I got a job washing dishes at weekends, which progressed into the kitchen. Now it's about 3 years since I left Uni and the job market for my qualification is absolutely dire, so it looks like I'll be a Chef for a bit longer. Work somewhere that isn't super fancy in my hometown and I really really really want to leave/quit now so my plan is to get into somewhere a bit fancier in a bigger town and perhaps go to Catering College though I'm trying to avoid it. Is 26 too old to go back to school? So that's my plan at the minute
I am the HEAD key maker at a hardware store,and they just don't let anybody make keys.I had to watch a 35 minute video to get the position:D
I forgot to mention: The winner of "Best Bio' as judged by me shall recieve a prize!!!
What is this prize??!!??? You may ask yourself........
A Bud K Santoku !!!!
I know, you probably just crapped yourself. I did say a BUD F-ING KAYYYYY !!!!!!!!
You must pay shipping if you win. You also assume all liability that this knife will probably break and or rust if ever used.
Hey it worked on Sigourney Weaver.
Okay, my turn
I cook. I chawp chawp. I like the way I chawp.
No, seriously I have been in the kitchen since I was 15. My first job was dishwasher and bussing tables at a barbecue place here. I've been at a lot of different restaurants over the years and never went to school. I've worked with some great chefs and some degenerates whose payroll checks bounce. I started catering about ten years ago.
At one point I was the chef of a very large and successful outfit here but left after the ownership wanted me to cut corners by buying prefab crap and calling it my own. I left to work for a much smaller company where I am in essence, the sous ( we don't really do titles) . Been here 4 years. We do great food. We don't bring food already hot in disgusting holding box. We do as much as possible on site. Being here has shown that catered food can be good. Unfortunately there's a lot of bad food out there. Also, the $ is more dependable than a restaurant. When you have a family you sometimes have to compromise on some of your other dreams. I'm looking forward to opening my own restaurant in the next 2 years.
Okay, my turn
I cook. I chawp chawp. I like the way I chawp.
No, seriously I have been in the kitchen since I was 15. My first job was dishwasher and bussing tables at a barbecue place here. I've been at a lot of different restaurants over the years and never went to school. I've worked with some great chefs and some degenerates whose payroll checks bounce. I started catering about ten years ago.
At one point I was the chef of a very large and successful outfit here but left after the ownership wanted me to cut corners by buying prefab crap and calling it my own. I left to work for a much smaller company where I am in essence, the sous ( we don't really do titles) . Been here 4 years. We do great food. We don't bring food already hot in disgusting holding box. We do as much as possible on site. Being here has shown that catered food can be good. Unfortunately there's a lot of bad food out there. Also, the $ is more dependable than a restaurant. When you have a family you sometimes have to compromise on some of your other dreams. I'm looking forward to opening my own restaurant in the next 2 years.

If I am still in Charlotte I will do your pastries. I like working with people who do as much on site as possible.
I don't want to post my bio because now I am afraid I will win that knife.