Crooked foody NYPD Pig

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Chef Niloc

Senior Member
Feb 28, 2011
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So I got arrested today because I wouldn't let a cop steal my knives. I'm waiting for the subway today wereing full chef uniform and a guy starts asking me about chef knives. So we are talking when a cop walks over and say "are you carying any knives on you?" I tell him yes with no hesitation and lift up my knife bag. He asks if he can look inside it and again I agree without hesitation. He then tells me that being a chef doesn't give me the right to carry "concealed deadly weapons" he's going to let me off with a warning but he will have to confiscate the knives!!??? At 1st I thought he was joking, he wasn't. He new exactly what I had in that roll, I new something "funny" was going on so I sad "sorry I wasn't aware it was illegal to carry my knives to work, but that I couldn't let him take them, I suggested that he call his Sargent. He sad F you and cuffed me. 4 hours later (2pm) his Sargent goes to "let me go" and gives me back my knife roll mines 2 Burks and a Nenox. It's now 1:20 am and I'm on my way home without knives in hand, had to call a lawyer and then had to file charges, great way to start the week.
So my end of the night toast it to all the officers who are hurt or killed tonight in the line of duty, it's officer Sanchez karma hard at work.
wow dude that really blows, hope you get your knives back AND some additional 'please don't go to the press about this' incentives. maybe you'll land a get out of jail free card?
I don't wish harm on anyone & I know that's just liquor & frustration talking, but damn!! That is a pretty f'd up situation.

I've dealt with good police officers who have let me get by when they could have gotten me in a world of trouble - but I've also dealt with the bad ones as well who caused me a lot of problems & headache for doing absolutely nothing wrong. It's extremely frustrating to feel that powerless. There are plenty of things you can do to handle criminals and your run of the mill scumbags. Not so much for a cop.
It's unfortunate but there are just people who should not be allowed to wear uniforms because they cannot handle the power that comes with it. German history has some good examples for that...

That is f'd up!!! Who gives him right to steal your knives? They better return it in same condition rather than possibly cutting their pizzas on lunch room with them .Concealed deadly weapon ? Yes it could be but If he had the ballz he should try to confiscate some thugs guns , rather than a chefs ( while you were in your uniforms) heirloom tools of trade. Sorry to hear that
That's just ridiculous!
Sorry to hear that...
Complete abuse of power right there.
that's just crazy, police these days are just so wrong. hope you get your knife back soon. karma will get him back dont worry.
were there any other knives left in your roll when they gave it back? and F the bad apples
That's one of the reasons I came here. NYPD never gave me a problem (other than making me miss a train now and then) but the NJT cops were complete dicks. The Penn Station gestapo was pretty bad too.

As for PO 'Dirty' Sanchez, have your attorney nail his ass to the wall. Maybe he didn't shake down enough crack dealers to cover his expenses that day. What precinct was he from?
That's disgraceful, I'm sorry you were treated that way. I hope you nail his @ss to the wall!!
Sounds to me Colin,the police used lack of judgement.Maybe it is the times.The Hotel I worked at would get political VIP's.Had my Ice Chisel & knife bag inspected a few times.

Never had anything taken though,it is common sense that a cook needs his tools of the trade going to work.Perhaps cuz we are a tourist industry see cooks carring knife bags quite a bit,no problem.
Colin, according to the knife laws of New York, you are allowed to carry knives as long as they are part of your work. If you are traveling to and from work and are not brandishing the knives in a threatening manner you are fine. It would be like confiscating a knife from someone who just purchased them at a store and was heading home. If you have knives in your bag and a police officer ask to see them, never take them out of the bag yourself, hand him the bag and let him get them himself. If he tries to make you do it, set the bag on the ground, take 2 steps back and refuse. The NYPD wants you to open the bag and hand them the knife so, that they can arrest you for brandishing them in a threatening manner in public. They have quotas to fill. This comes from past experience myself and from my retired NYPD roommate.
When I was in NYC I kept the few I brought in an over-the-shoulder pool cue case. Someone said I might get hassled if I had a knife bag.
Simply pathetic but I've experienced similar.
After reading this post my blood pressure spiked. What a P!^%K. It's really a shame that you struggle to do the right things, work hard and be productive, and then a power drunk cop decides YOU are an easier target to make a quota than to actually go after the bad guys. Good luck to you -- I hope your lawsuit is successful and most importantly that you get your property back!
I hope you get your stuff back. This is just an ordinary mugging by the people who should protect you from getting mugged in the first place. I hope this pig looses his job and pension over this one, good luck suing the **** out of him!
That is completely ridiculous! I hope you get back your knives quickly.
That sucks. Sorry to hear that. I have to say I never met a cop that I liked. They all seem to be the punk a$$es on power trips. Thank God you don't try to record them, or they would make up more bs reasons to give you a hard time.

I hope you get your knives back and I would not show them one once of mercy because they would not do the same for you.

It reminds me when I was living there in the 60s and 70s why we sometimes called the place AMERIKA.

I hope you find a way to get this thug out of his uniform. And your knives back of course.
Anything we can do to help Colin, please keep us posted.
Media can be a powerful tool guys especially the social kind if we here share this story through Facebook Twitter and the like it may prove interesting. I have known many great cops and hate that there are ones like these out there. Colin keep us posted and good luck.
NYC where the forth amendment is void. Good Luck Colin.
I've had my back and ass covered more times than I can count by good cops. No good guy wants to be associated with this kind of BS. The new mayor is trying to improve relations with the public. I would start by contacting his sargent and explaining that you don't want to paint every policeman with the same brush. You just want you property back, no questions asked. Perhaps it was just an oversight. It would be unfortunate to have an incident like this escalate over a simple misunderstanding. particularly in light of your desire to help promote the image of the police department. Give him an opportunity to make it right. Perhaps level heads will prevail.
The fact that they didn't charge me with anything but the role was missing knives when returned makes it obvious that this cop was just "Knife shopping" my lawyer said there was a good chance we could win a lawsuit or more likely achieve settlement by filing suit but that getting those specific knives returned was doubtful, that by doing so the officer would be admitting/proving that he committed a crime the house jeopardizing his job. So it seems best case scenario New York City taxpayers just bought this cop some nice knives gives new meaning to the term "dirty Sanchez"
The NYC police are embroiled in a scandal ripping millions off of SSDI, maybe Officer Sanchez has some involvement in that. I'd call that worthless new Marxist Mayor you have and let's see him stand up for the, "little guy" against some of the crooks in the NYPD. I hope there is someway you can get your knives back and get some money for loss of your work tools. What if he pulled this on an electrician or a plumber, that would be a felony and so should this be for that dirt bag cop.

Some areas have strong laws against stealing a workers tools that he uses to make a living. Maybe there could be a legal tie in that would make this a US Department of Labor or the NY State Dept. of Labor BS case, but who knows. Always seems like the gubmint works for the gubmint and not the taxpayer, but I wish you the best. I know I'd be burning up over this.
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